2025-03-09 01:57 UTC

Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 444)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next Last ]
    ID # Attachment count SeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  000285522 minorresolved2025-03-01Build failure with LibreSSL 3.7.2
  00028901   majorresolved (John-Mark Bell)2025-03-01libdom crashes when built with libxml2-2.13.x
  0002892    majornew2025-03-01multipe home page url's no accepted
  00028911   blocknew2025-02-26build error - cannot read xpm
  00028871   minornew2025-01-09make check fails: fail_unless has too many arguments for format
  0002886    majornew2025-01-09Fails to build on i386 arch
  0002884    minornew2025-01-05Save-To-Window doesn't dissapear after a "Save-All Shift-F3"
  000282433 featurenew2024-11-11Porting to GNU/Hurd
  0002883 1 minornew2024-11-04Does NetSurf support search in greek?
  0002882 1 minornew2024-09-22Encountering <audio> element stops subsequent elements from growing the parent height
  000288111 crashresolved2024-09-11Crash in treeview after pressing left or right cursor keys
  000287911 majornew2024-07-18Can't Connect to Captive Portal Guest Network
  000287821 minornew2024-06-21Even/odd winding in SVG files rendered as NonZero
  0002876 1 majornew2024-06-01substack (and many other) web pages rendered too far right and will not scroll
  00028751   crashnew2024-05-28Stack buffer overflow in idna_encode
  0002874    minornew2024-05-28Extreme resource use allowed in JavaScript
  000281011 crashfeedback (kinnison)2024-05-27NetSurf crashes on specific website
  000280611 crashnew2024-05-27NetSurf crashes during startup
  000280131 featureresolved (kinnison)2024-05-27Non-URLs in URL bar, should forward to search in current / default search engine
  000287221 majorconfirmed (kinnison)2024-05-27Failure to handle http fetch from specific web site
  000278942 crashresolved (kinnison)2024-05-27Crashes found from fuzzing
  00028733   crashresolved (kinnison)2024-05-27Double free in box_normalise_table
  000286911 minorresolved (John-Mark Bell)2024-05-26hotlist issue with German territory
  000281321 minorresolved (Vincent Sanders)2024-05-25Makefile hardcodes perl; should use $(PERL)
  00028701   minorresolved (Vincent Sanders)2024-05-250.9.2 tests fail to build on 32-bit system
  00028661   minorresolved (kinnison)2024-05-24Search from URL bar doesn't
  0002868    crashnew2024-03-03Crash (segfault) on NULL style of nested box when trying to get computed height
  00028671   crashresolved (Vincent Sanders)2024-02-25Segmentation fault if form contains radio inputs without names
  000286511 majornew2024-02-02innerHTML and textContent can be assigned, but page view does not update
  0002864 2 minornew2024-01-15Build failure on Mac O X 10.6: Segmentation fault in nsgenbind
  0002863 1 minornew2024-01-15Build failure on Mac OS X 10.6: Undefined symbols: _getline
  0002862 1 minornew2024-01-15error: use of undeclared identifier 'AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW'
  0002861 1 minornew2024-01-02ld: unknown option: --trace
  00028151   minornew2024-01-02implicit declaration of function 'strcasestr' is invalid in C99
  0002860    crashnew2023-10-08NetSurf core failed to initialise - PowerPC Fedora
  000285822 crashnew2023-09-17segfault; content_get_bitmap returns an invalid pointer
  000285482 crashresolved (Michael Drake)2023-09-17Netsurf segmentation fault in libcss
  0002859    featurenew2023-08-29Add support for properties parsed by libsvgtiny
  00028531   minornew2023-08-27CleanTechnica layout issue
  00024732   crashacknowledged2023-08-14error building with libharu 2.2.1 : implicit declaration haru_nsfont_apply_style
  00025424   minorconfirmed2023-08-13Build failure against upstream's utf8proc due to moved header
  00028571   crashnew2023-08-07Segfault in lwc__intern
  000284754 minornew2023-01-03Netsurf cannot display Facebook posts with user's own comments
  0002851    minornew2022-11-04Build fails with install from BusyBox
  0002850 1 featurenew2022-10-28Radial gradients
  0002849 1 crashnew2022-10-16Crash on Pluto SourceForge link
  00027751   minornew2022-10-15URLs get truncated/corrupted on drag
  00028481   minoracknowledged2022-08-28duck duck go search engine shows a blank page
  000284311 minoracknowledged2022-08-28[PATCH] windows: Improve keyboard and mouse input in core windows
  000282711 tweakacknowledged2022-08-28CI build not shown on Windows
