2025-01-17 15:42 UTC

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002813Buildsystem[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-05-25 17:25
ReporterRyan Carsten Schmidt 
Assigned ToVincent Sanders 
Summary0002813: Makefile hardcodes perl; should use $(PERL)
DescriptionHello! Building NetSurf 3.10 on macOS I had a small problem because while netsurf/Makefile has a PERL variable and uses it in some places, in other places it hardcodes "perl".

I used the attached patch to fix the problem.

Looks like the code has been reorganized a bit since the 3.10 release.
Steps To ReproduceFor example run "make PERL=/some/other/perl" and notice that not all invocations of perl use that perl.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
Attached Files
  • patch file icon perl.patch (1,565 bytes) 2021-04-14 14:42 -
    Use the specified perl.
    --- netsurf/Makefile.orig	2020-05-24 16:35:22.000000000 -0500
    +++ netsurf/Makefile	2021-04-13 21:34:45.000000000 -0500
    @@ -922,13 +922,13 @@
     # split fat messages into properties files suitable for uploading to transifex
    -	for splitlang in $(FAT_LANGUAGES);do perl ./utils/split-messages.pl -l $${splitlang} -f transifex -p any -o Messages.any.$${splitlang}.tfx resources/FatMessages;done
    +	for splitlang in $(FAT_LANGUAGES);do $(SPLIT_MESSAGES) -l $${splitlang} -f transifex -p any -o Messages.any.$${splitlang}.tfx resources/FatMessages;done
     # download property files from transifex
    -	for splitlang in $(FAT_LANGUAGES);do $(RM) Messages.any.$${splitlang}.tfx ; perl ./utils/fetch-transifex.pl -w insecure -l $${splitlang} -o Messages.any.$${splitlang}.tfx ;done
    +	for splitlang in $(FAT_LANGUAGES);do $(RM) Messages.any.$${splitlang}.tfx ; $(PERL) ./utils/fetch-transifex.pl -w insecure -l $${splitlang} -o Messages.any.$${splitlang}.tfx ;done
     # merge property files into fat messages
     messages-import-tfx: messages-fetch-tfx
    -	for tfxlang in $(FAT_LANGUAGES);do perl ./utils/import-messages.pl -l $${tfxlang} -p any -f transifex -o resources/FatMessages -i resources/FatMessages -I Messages.any.$${tfxlang}.tfx ; $(RM) Messages.any.$${tfxlang}.tfx; done
    +	for tfxlang in $(FAT_LANGUAGES);do $(PERL) ./utils/import-messages.pl -l $${tfxlang} -p any -f transifex -o resources/FatMessages -i resources/FatMessages -I Messages.any.$${tfxlang}.tfx ; $(RM) Messages.any.$${tfxlang}.tfx; done
    patch file icon perl.patch (1,565 bytes) 2021-04-14 14:42 +


Ryan Carsten Schmidt


Ryan Carsten Schmidt (reporter)

The problem remains in NetSurf 3.11.
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

thanks for the report, fix commited to main branch, will be in next release of netsurf

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-04-14 14:42 Ryan Carsten Schmidt New Issue
2021-04-14 14:42 Ryan Carsten Schmidt File Added: perl.patch
2024-01-02 04:15 Ryan Carsten Schmidt Note Added: 0002428
2024-05-25 17:25 Vincent Sanders Assigned To => Vincent Sanders
2024-05-25 17:25 Vincent Sanders Status new => resolved
2024-05-25 17:25 Vincent Sanders Resolution open => fixed
2024-05-25 17:25 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0002449
+Issue History