MantisBT - Buildsystem
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0002813Buildsystem[All Projects] Generalpublic2021-04-14 15:422024-05-25 18:25
ReporterRyan Carsten Schmidt 
Assigned ToVincent Sanders 
PlatformOSOS Version
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
Summary0002813: Makefile hardcodes perl; should use $(PERL)
DescriptionHello! Building NetSurf 3.10 on macOS I had a small problem because while netsurf/Makefile has a PERL variable and uses it in some places, in other places it hardcodes "perl".

I used the attached patch to fix the problem.

Looks like the code has been reorganized a bit since the 3.10 release.
Steps To ReproduceFor example run "make PERL=/some/other/perl" and notice that not all invocations of perl use that perl.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespatch perl.patch (1,565) 2021-04-14 15:42

Ryan Carsten Schmidt   
2024-01-02 04:15   
The problem remains in NetSurf 3.11.
Vincent Sanders   
2024-05-25 18:25   
thanks for the report, fix commited to main branch, will be in next release of netsurf

Issue History
2021-04-14 15:42Ryan Carsten SchmidtNew Issue
2021-04-14 15:42Ryan Carsten SchmidtFile Added: perl.patch
2024-01-02 04:15Ryan Carsten SchmidtNote Added: 0002428
2024-05-25 18:25Vincent SandersAssigned To => Vincent Sanders
2024-05-25 18:25Vincent SandersStatusnew => resolved
2024-05-25 18:25Vincent SandersResolutionopen => fixed
2024-05-25 18:25Vincent SandersNote Added: 0002449