| | 0002303 | 1 | 2 |
minor | confirmed | 2015-04-03 | 2015-04-03 | The layout of the article div on the central somerset gazette is wrong |
| | 0002300 | | |
trivial | acknowledged | 2015-04-01 | 2015-04-02 | Random interruption, no crash |
| | 0001971 | 2 | |
feature | acknowledged | 2006-11-29 | 2015-03-31 | Copy or save Cookie |
| | 0002128 | 3 | 2 |
crash | confirmed | 2014-05-22 | 2015-03-29 | Freeze on forum page |
| | 0002295 | | |
minor | acknowledged | 2015-03-25 | 2015-03-27 | Writable icon displaced on streetmap.co.uk search |
| | 0002293 | | |
tweak | acknowledged | 2015-03-19 | 2015-03-19 | Layout distorted on gamescoffer.co.uk |
| | 0000405 | 2 | |
minor | acknowledged | 2013-03-20 | 2015-03-18 | Odd effect using <h1> on very small pages |
| | 0000529 | 1 | |
minor | acknowledged | 2012-03-07 | 2015-03-16 | Export as Draw from eBay generates mangled file |
| | 0001937 | 2 | |
feature | acknowledged | 2007-05-25 | 2015-03-16 | Mouse click to open URL |
| | 0001968 | 1 | |
feature | acknowledged | 2006-10-19 | 2015-03-16 | Add chkspr utility to Full Save |
| | 0002287 | 1 | |
minor | acknowledged | 2015-03-14 | 2015-03-15 | 2D panning (using adjust) does not work properly if the h-scroll bar is tiny. |
| | 0002288 | 1 | 1 |
minor | acknowledged | 2015-03-14 | 2015-03-15 | Graphics image alignment incorrect |
| | 0002021 | | |
feature | acknowledged | 2010-09-08 | 2015-03-10 | Support text-align: justify |
| | 0000447 | | |
minor | acknowledged | 2012-11-10 | 2015-03-10 | Ctrl-drag to save image doesn't work inside frames |
| | 0001964 | | |
feature | acknowledged | 2006-08-20 | 2015-03-10 | Edit 'Recent URL' display |
| | 0000501 | | |
minor | acknowledged | 2010-09-08 | 2015-03-10 | Framebuffer(?) front end doesn't allow 401 HTTP Auth. |
| | 0000498 | 1 | |
minor | confirmed | 2010-08-26 | 2015-03-10 | Possible OL glitch |
| | 0000445 | 2 | 1 |
minor | confirmed | 2006-12-06 | 2015-03-10 | table background colour error |
| | 0001873 | | |
minor | acknowledged (Vincent Sanders) | 2013-02-27 | 2015-03-10 | libnsfb: make xcb, sdl, vnc optional via Makefile.config |
| | 0000387 | | |
minor | acknowledged (Vincent Sanders) | 2013-05-03 | 2015-03-10 | Can't override CFLAGS at command line |
| | 0000430 | 3 | |
minor | confirmed | 2012-12-19 | 2015-03-02 | Text selection issues |
| | 0002268 | | |
feature | acknowledged | 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-04 | Tab to switch from location bar to search bar (or keyboard shortcut for search) |
| | 0002096 | 2 | |
feature | acknowledged | 2014-03-16 | 2015-01-28 | Request using curl's builtin https capability vs directly using openssl |
| | 0002249 | | |
feature | acknowledged | 2015-01-01 | 2015-01-16 | Color options doesn't work in fb |
| | 0002242 | | 1 |
minor | acknowledged (Vincent Sanders) | 2014-12-14 | 2015-01-16 | every other keystroke lost when using VNC |
| | 0002243 | | |
minor | acknowledged | 2014-12-14 | 2014-12-18 | Image links on Express newspaper |
| | 0002244 | | |
feature | acknowledged | 2014-12-15 | 2014-12-18 | Can't download a file from vidown.net |
| | 0002240 | 1 | |
feature | acknowledged | 2014-12-07 | 2014-12-18 | Please add tab index support. |
| | 0002238 | | |
tweak | acknowledged | 2014-12-06 | 2014-12-07 | Change.org massively scaled images |
| | 0002237 | | |
feature | acknowledged | 2014-12-06 | 2014-12-07 | Filtering of drop-down lists - feature request |
| | 0002236 | | 1 |
major | acknowledged | 2014-12-04 | 2014-12-04 | wrong text rendering |
| | 0002234 | 1 | |
feature | acknowledged | 2014-12-04 | 2014-12-04 | Please add auto-hide cursor functionality. |
| | 0002233 | | 1 |
minor | acknowledged | 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-01 | Page fails to display correctly |
| | 0000388 | 1 | |
minor | assigned (Michael Drake) | 2013-05-01 | 2014-12-01 | Fritz!Box fails |
| | 0002174 | 9 | 5 |
minor | acknowledged | 2014-07-24 | 2014-12-01 | Failed writing header |
| | 0002223 | | |
minor | acknowledged (Michael Drake) | 2014-11-18 | 2014-12-01 | Britmovie rendering |
| | 0002220 | | |
minor | confirmed (John-Mark Bell) | 2014-11-15 | 2014-11-15 | No cycle detection in fetch/cache code |
| | 0001929 | 1 | |
feature | assigned (Michael Drake) | 2005-11-23 | 2014-10-10 | facility to copy from global history to hotlist |
| | 0001960 | | |
feature | assigned (Michael Drake) | 2006-07-05 | 2014-10-10 | Allow Object URLs to be added to hotlist/dragged from URL |
| | 0001991 | | |
feature | assigned (Michael Drake) | 2008-02-21 | 2014-10-10 | Cut and paste Hotlist |
| | 0001957 | | |
feature | assigned (Michael Drake) | 2006-05-11 | 2014-10-10 | Adding a new address to a hotlist directory |
| | 0002198 | 1 | 1 |
minor | acknowledged | 2014-09-09 | 2014-09-14 | Crash on loading a page from dailymail.co.uk |
| | 0002196 | 1 | |
minor | acknowledged | 2014-09-08 | 2014-09-08 | Javascript not working |
| | 0002192 | | |
major | confirmed (Vincent Sanders) | 2014-09-05 | 2014-09-06 | -Werror should be disabled for releases (tarballs) |
| | 0002193 | | 1 |
minor | acknowledged | 2014-09-05 | 2014-09-06 | patch for gperf inline warning |
| | 0002188 | 2 | 2 |
minor | confirmed | 2014-08-30 | 2014-09-02 | cannot get to e-mail log-in page |
| | 0000002 | | |
major | acknowledged | 2013-12-08 | 2014-09-02 | m68k-atari-mint linker fails to embedd surfaces of libnsfb |
| | 0000450 | 1 | |
minor | confirmed | 2007-05-25 | 2014-09-02 | Problems with displaying very wide panoramic jpegs |
| | 0002141 | | |
feature | confirmed (Vincent Sanders) | 2014-06-09 | 2014-08-18 | llcache persistant storage should use disc_cache_age |
| | 0002130 | 2 | 1 |
crash | acknowledged | 2014-05-22 | 2014-08-04 | Crash on forum page |