2025-02-13 03:15 UTC

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002760NetSurfAmiga-specificpublic2020-05-26 09:54
ReporterChris Young 
Assigned ToVincent Sanders 
PlatformAmigaOSAmigaOSOS Version3.9
Product Version3.9 
Target Version3.10Fixed in Version 
Summary0002760: Disk cache not working on AmigaOS3.9
DescriptionI've been getting reports that the disk cache no longer works on AmigaOS 3.9. Log below.
Steps To ReproduceLaunch NetSurf with disk cache enabled.
Additional Information(0.000012) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 5430 bytes from 0xa231260 at 0x0 block 8192 errno 1
(22.655645) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 416 bytes from 0x889ab7c at 0x0 block 8192 errno 1
(22.703605) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1021 set_store_entry: attempt to overwrite entry with in use data
(23.457020) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1716 store: store entry setting failed
(31.298687) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 405 bytes from 0xa496f2c at 0x0 block 16384 errno 2
(31.371701) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 364 bytes from 0xa496f2c at 0x0 block 24576 errno 3
(31.425047) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1021 set_store_entry: attempt to overwrite entry with in use data
(31.467286) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1716 store: store entry setting failed
(31.500678) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1021 set_store_entry: attempt to overwrite entry with in use data
(31.545188) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1716 store: store entry setting failed
(41.342820) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 476 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 32768 errno 4
(41.412526) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 466 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 40960 errno 5
(41.481880) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 466 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 49152 errno 6
(41.549878) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 466 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 57344 errno 7
(41.617885) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 476 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 65536 errno 8
(41.686039) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 476 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 73728 errno 9
(41.755249) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 476 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 81920 errno 10
(41.832028) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 466 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 90112 errno 11
(41.921201) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 466 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 98304 errno 12
(41.989624) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 466 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 106496 errno 13
(42.059452) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 461 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 114688 errno 14
(42.127641) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1623 store_write_block: Write failed -1 of 469 bytes from 0x893c0b4 at 0x0 block 122880 errno 15
(42.186718) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1021 set_store_entry: attempt to overwrite entry with in use data
(42.234155) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1716 store: store entry setting failed
(42.270241) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1021 set_store_entry: attempt to overwrite entry with in use data
(42.317446) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1716 store: store entry setting failed
(42.352894) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1021 set_store_entry: attempt to overwrite entry with in use data
(42.400234) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1716 store: store entry setting failed
(42.435514) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1021 set_store_entry: attempt to overwrite entry with in use data
(42.484688) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1716 store: store entry setting failed
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #5120
URL of problem page
Attached Files


Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

Hi Vince

Do you have any idea what might be causing this? It was working before the most recent backing store changes.


kinnison (administrator)

I've pushed a change which might make the logging more useful - could you please retry and give me new logs?
Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

Apologies for the delay.

(0.000013) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1912 fetch: Failed to create new heap allocation
(92.415891) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5847 bytes into 0xa4c6478 from 761856 block 93 errno 9
(93.313490) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5783 bytes into 0xb3935f0 from 622592 block 76 errno 9
(93.381834) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5792 bytes into 0xb399dd8 from 614400 block 75 errno 9
(123.771671) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5874 bytes into 0xb893940 from 606208 block 74 errno 9
(124.566294) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5823 bytes into 0xb9442b0 from 598016 block 73 errno 9
(124.697135) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5826 bytes into 0xb923478 from 589824 block 72 errno 9
(124.776349) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5827 bytes into 0xb983e58 from 581632 block 71 errno 9
(125.006545) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5818 bytes into 0xb950e80 from 573440 block 70 errno 9
(125.114045) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5790 bytes into 0xb9772d0 from 770048 block 94 errno 9
(125.369750) [ERR netsurf] content/fs_backing_store.c:1793 store_read_block: Failed reading -1 of 5829 bytes into 0xb969bd8 from 565248 block 69 errno 9

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-05-23 09:48 Chris Young New Issue
2020-05-23 09:49 Chris Young Assigned To => Vincent Sanders
2020-05-23 09:49 Chris Young Status new => assigned
2020-05-23 09:50 Chris Young Note Added: 0002196
2020-05-23 11:13 kinnison Note Added: 0002197
2020-05-26 09:54 Chris Young Note Added: 0002202
+Issue History