2025-02-14 05:13 UTC

View Issue Details Jump to Notes ]
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002717NetSurfABENDpublic2020-02-21 09:28
ReporterRichard Porter 
Assigned To 
PlatformARMX6OSRISC OSOS Version5.25
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002717: Segfault on GWR site
DescriptionAfter clicking on link to the GWR Planned Engineering page NetSurf crashes with a segmentation fault.
Steps To ReproduceGo to problem page
Additional InformationWas also present in 4883.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #4895
URL of problem pagehttps://www.gwr.com/travel-updates/planned-engineering/
Attached Files

duplicate of 0002716acknowledged NetSurf fatal error on the down ROOL site 
duplicate of 0002682acknowledged Occasional crash 

Richard Porter


Richard Porter (reporter)

After NS crashed three or four times in a row, it now renders correctly. I don't think anything has changed locally.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-11-11 22:25 Richard Porter New Issue
2019-11-11 22:25 Richard Porter File Added: nslog337.zip
2019-11-11 22:32 Richard Porter Note Added: 0002122
2019-11-12 13:41 Vincent Sanders Relationship added duplicate of 0002716
2019-11-25 21:33 Vincent Sanders Relationship added duplicate of 0002682
2020-02-21 09:28 Vincent Sanders Status new => acknowledged
+Issue History