2024-07-27 00:36 BST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002684NetSurfABENDpublic2019-08-01 10:22
ReporterRichard Porter 
Assigned To 
SeveritycrashReproducibilityunable to reproduce 
PlatformARMX6OSRISC OSOS Version5.25
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002684: Various segfault crashes
DescriptionThis version seems to be a bit unstable. I have had several crashes with segmentation faults. These seem to be random and not immediately repeatable.
Steps To ReproduceNone. Crashes happen at random.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #4270
URL of problem pagevarious
Attached Files


Dave Higton


Dave Higton (developer)

This looks like a duplicate of issue 2682.
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

( 79be4c) pc: 2e04b4 lr: 2e1668 sp: 79be50 sh_delentry()
  ( 79be74) pc: 2e15f4 lr: 2e6b28 sp: 79be78 Curl_multi_closed()
  ( 79be84) pc: 2e6b14 lr: 519604 sp: 79be88 Curl_ares_sock_state_cb()
  ( 79bea4) pc: 5194f0 lr: 5165a4 sp: 79bea8 ares__close_sockets()
  ( 79bedc) pc: 516420 lr: 517508 sp: 79bee0 end_query()
  ( 79bf78) pc: 517100 lr: 517858 sp: 79bf7c process_answer.part.3()
  ( 7a0970) pc: 5175fc lr: 5776fc sp: 7a0974 read_udp_packets()
  ( 7a09b0) pc: 51790c lr: 517eec sp: 7a09b4 processfds()
  ( 7a09c4) pc: 517ec8 lr: 2e6a54 sp: 7a09c8 ares_process_fd()
  ( 7a0aa8) pc: 2e68f4 lr: 2e6e18 sp: 7a0aac waitperform()
  ( 7a0ad0) pc: 2e6dec lr: 2f295c sp: 7a0ad4 Curl_resolver_is_resolved()
  ( 7a0ae0) pc: 2f2940 lr: 2e2ad8 sp: 7a0ae4 Curl_resolv_check()
  ( 7a0b48) pc: 2e1f34 lr: 2e3058 sp: 7a0b4c multi_runsingle()
  ( 7a0b94) pc: 2e2fcc lr: e280c sp: 7a0b98 curl_multi_perform()
  ( 7a0c64) pc: e27d8 lr: df9f4 sp: 7a0c68 fetch_curl_poll()
  ( 7a0c7c) pc: df9b8 lr: 1b9a28 sp: 7a0c80 fetcher_poll()
  ( 7a0c9c) pc: 1b99e0 lr: b620 sp: 7a0ca0 schedule_run()
  ( 7a0fe8) pc: ad80 lr: 5771d4 sp: 7a0fec main()
Michael Drake


Michael Drake (administrator)

(4687.060000) content/fetchers/curl.c:354 fetch_curl_setup: fetch 0x742fa648, url 'http://www.minimarcos.org.uk/'


Fatal signal received: Segmentation fault

Stack backtrace:

Running thread 0x793db0 (Main Thread)
  ( 7a1ee0) pc: 568244 lr: 1a7808 sp: 7a1ee4 __write_backtrace()
  ( 7a1f08) pc: 1a778c lr: 568b70 sp: 7a1f0c ro_gui_signal()
  ( 7a1f30) pc: 568b58 lr: 56884c sp: 7a1f34 __unixlib_exec_sig()
  ( 7a1fa0) pc: 568364 lr: 569158 sp: 7a1fa4 __unixlib_raise_signal()
  ( 7a1fb0) pc: 56905c lr: 2e04f0 sp: 79be2c __h_cback()

  Register dump at 007a1fb4:

    a1: 73e95888 a2: 0 a3: 0 a4: 0
    v1: 73e95888 v2: 0 v3: 0 v4: 73cc7fc8
    v5: 1 v6: 73e95888 sl: 79b1e0 fp: 79be4c
    ip: 0 sp: 79be2c lr: 2e04f0 pc: 2e0500
    cpsr: 60000110

  002e04ec : ٔ.\EB : eb0094d9 : BL &00305858
  002e04f0 : .0\94\E5 : e5943000 : LDR R3,[R4,#0]
  002e04f4 : ..S\E3 : e3530000 : CMP R3,#0
  002e04f8 : $`\85\E5 : e5856024 : STR R6,[R5,#36]
  002e04fc : \F6\FF\FF. : 1afffff6 : BNE &002E04DC
  002e0500 : ..\A0\E1 : e1a00007 : MOV R0,R7
  002e0504 : ..\A0\E1 : e1a0100d : MOV R1,R13
  002e0508 : . \A0\E3 : e3a02004 : MOV R2,#4
  002e050c : \EE\95.\EB : eb0095ee : BL &00305CCC

  ( 79be4c) pc: 2e04b4 lr: 2e1668 sp: 79be50 sh_delentry()
  ( 79be74) pc: 2e15f4 lr: 2e6b28 sp: 79be78 Curl_multi_closed()
  ( 79be84) pc: 2e6b14 lr: 519604 sp: 79be88 Curl_ares_sock_state_cb()
  ( 79bea4) pc: 5194f0 lr: 5165a4 sp: 79bea8 ares__close_sockets()
  ( 79bedc) pc: 516420 lr: 517508 sp: 79bee0 end_query()
  ( 79bf78) pc: 517100 lr: 517858 sp: 79bf7c process_answer.part.3()
  ( 7a0970) pc: 5175fc lr: 5776fc sp: 7a0974 read_udp_packets()
  ( 7a09b0) pc: 51790c lr: 517eec sp: 7a09b4 processfds()
  ( 7a09c4) pc: 517ec8 lr: 2e6a54 sp: 7a09c8 ares_process_fd()
  ( 7a0aa8) pc: 2e68f4 lr: 2e6e18 sp: 7a0aac waitperform()
  ( 7a0ad0) pc: 2e6dec lr: 2f295c sp: 7a0ad4 Curl_resolver_is_resolved()
  ( 7a0ae0) pc: 2f2940 lr: 2e2ad8 sp: 7a0ae4 Curl_resolv_check()
  ( 7a0b48) pc: 2e1f34 lr: 2e3058 sp: 7a0b4c multi_runsingle()
  ( 7a0b94) pc: 2e2fcc lr: e280c sp: 7a0b98 curl_multi_perform()
  ( 7a0c64) pc: e27d8 lr: df9f4 sp: 7a0c68 fetch_curl_poll()
  ( 7a0c7c) pc: df9b8 lr: 1b9a28 sp: 7a0c80 fetcher_poll()
  ( 7a0c9c) pc: 1b99e0 lr: b620 sp: 7a0ca0 schedule_run()
  ( 7a0fe8) pc: ad80 lr: 5771d4 sp: 7a0fec main()

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-07-28 18:00 Richard Porter New Issue
2019-07-28 18:00 Richard Porter File Added: nslog331.zip
2019-07-28 18:01 Richard Porter File Added: nslog332.zip
2019-07-28 18:01 Richard Porter File Added: nslog333.zip
2019-07-30 22:39 Dave Higton Note Added: 0002029
2019-08-01 10:20 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0002033
2019-08-01 10:21 Michael Drake Note Added: 0002034
2019-08-01 10:22 Vincent Sanders Status new => acknowledged
+Issue History