2025-02-13 03:12 UTC

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002489NetSurf[All Projects] Generalpublic2020-05-27 08:17
ReporterChris Young 
Assigned ToChris Young 
PlatformAmigaOSAmigaOSOS Version3.5
Product Version3.7 
Target Version3.7Fixed in Version3.10 
Summary0002489: Memory leaks
DescriptionI've built the Amiga frontend of NetSurf with clib's memory debugging mode. This logs memory allocations and will note when they haven't been freed.

The short version is that "core" allocations in the following files/lines are failing to be freed on at least one occasion:



Steps To ReproduceMy test with the debug build was simply to load and then quit NetSurf, then look at the log.
Additional InformationI've attached the full log. The leaks are at the very bottom and say they have been freed in stdlib_malloc.c (this is clib2's internal free of unfreed tracked memory)

I will deal with the Amiga frontend ones. If I get to any "core" leaks I will update this report to show which have been fixed (I realise some of the "core" leaks might actually be the responsibility of the frontend to free! - such as the nsoption ones I've now fixed)

The entries with no "allocated at" information have come from a library which hasn't been built with the debug defines, I will report on those separately at a later date.

The line numbers are correct as of git commit 2dd97b0b8e1f363542dddb403d515cce132b7f29
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #4845
Reported in CI build #3794
URL of problem pageabout:welcome
Attached Files

related to 0002490closedkinnison LibWapcaplet Memory leaks in libwapcaplet 
related to 0002491closedkinnison NetSurf Memory leaks in libdom 

Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

Previously had some nsoption.c ones in the log which were caused by a missing nsoption_finalise() in the frontend. This is now fixed and log updated.
Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

I've fixed the hashtable ones in CI#3800 - the message table wasn't being freed.
Down from 1.7MB unfreed memory to 250K.
Attached updated log.

Remaining leaks:
desktop/cookie_manager.c:451 (multiple)

plus the ones triggered by libdom and libwapcaplet which are in separate linked issue logs.
Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

New log:

 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] 249529 bytes still allocated upon exit, maximum of 25839546 bytes allocated at a time.
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] 194 chunks of memory still allocated upon exit, maximum of 18262 chunks allocated at a time.
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x59131C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x591325B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x59137270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x591385B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x5934B270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x5934BC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 18 0x5934C5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x5934D270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x57D39C10 [ allocated at src/libwapcaplet.c:58, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16364 0x5911F244 [ allocated at src/libwapcaplet.c:66, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 52 0x57B4E270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B4EC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B4F5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B40270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B40C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B415B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B42270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B42C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B435B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B44270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 78 0x57B44C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 52 0x59131270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B455B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B46270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B46C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B475B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B38270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B38C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B395B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B3A270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B3AC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 44 0x57B3B5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 22 0x57693270 [ allocated at utils/useragent.c:55, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 72 0x5732D5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 132 0x57320C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 260 0x57320270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 132 0x5731F5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x573235B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x57324270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x57316270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x57316C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x573175B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x573195B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x5731A270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x5731AC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x5731B5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x5731D5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 18976 0x59066244 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 20 0x572E6270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 20 0x572E6C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x572E75B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572E8270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E8C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E95B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572EA270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572EAC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572EB5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572EC270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572ECC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572ED5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DE270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DEC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DF5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E0270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E0C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E15B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E2270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E2C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E35B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E4270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E4C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572E55B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572D6270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572D6C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572D75B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572D8270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572D8C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572D95B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DA270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DAC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DB5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DC270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DCC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572DD5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572CE270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572CEC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572CF5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572D0270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572D0C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572D15B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572D2270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572D2C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572D35B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572D4270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572D4C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572D55B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C6270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C6C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C75B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C8270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C8C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C95B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572CA270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572CAC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572CB5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572CC270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572CCC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572CD5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BE270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BEC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BF5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C0270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C0C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C15B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C2270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C2C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C35B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C4270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C4C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572C55B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B6270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B6C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B75B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B8270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B8C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B95B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BA270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BAC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BB5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BC270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BCC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572BD5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572AE270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572AEC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572AF5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B0270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B0C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B15B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B2270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B2C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B35B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572B4270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572B4C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572B55B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A6270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A6C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A75B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572A8270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572A8C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572A95B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572AA270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572AAC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 12 0x572AB5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572AC270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572ACC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572AD5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x5729E270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x5729EC10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x5729F5B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A0270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A0C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A15B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A2270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A2C10 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 64 0x572A35B0 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 8 0x572A4270 [ freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x55EF1C10 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:101, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 4 0x55EF25B0 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:105, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x55EF3270 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:101, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 6 0x55EF3C10 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:105, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x55EF45B0 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:101, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 29 0x55EF5270 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:105, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x55EF5C10 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:101, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 35 0x55EF65B0 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:105, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x55EC7270 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:101, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 27 0x55EC7C10 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:105, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x55EC85B0 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:101, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 29 0x55EC9270 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:105, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x55EC9C10 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:101, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 37 0x55ECA5B0 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:105, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 16 0x55ECB270 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:101, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 30 0x55ECBC10 [ allocated at src/core/string.c:105, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 68 0x53FB55B0 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:251, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 37 0x53FB6270 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:251, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 34 0x53FB75B0 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:251, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 75 0x53FB8C10 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:251, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 32 0x53FBA270 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:251, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 79 0x53FBB5B0 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:251, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 88 0x53FACC10 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:251, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 35 0x53FAE270 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:251, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 35 0x5733CC10 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:323, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 34 0x57338C10 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:323, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 35 0x55EBBC10 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:323, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
 [Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_debug] - 34 0x54F4FC10 [ allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:323, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

Last edited: 2019-06-09 19:19

View 2 revisions

Only outstanding ones here seem to be:
22 bytes allocated at utils/useragent.c:55 not being freed.
34-35 bytes allocated in mkpath not being freed (backing store related?)

Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

The mkpath ones still present but I think they must be in the Amiga frontend.

For reference, the memory leaks from 3rd party libraries look like:

[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] 203209 bytes still allocated upon exit, maximum of 25641164 bytes allocated at a time.
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] 167 chunks of memory still allocated upon exit, maximum of 18079 chunks allocated at a time.
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x529F3C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x529F45B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x53F66270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x55F63270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x55F63C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x55F625B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 21 0x55F61C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 20 0x55F61270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 52 0x581C5270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x58255270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x58255C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x582565B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x58253C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x582545B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x58253270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x5827A5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x58279270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x58279C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 78 0x5827F270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 52 0x55807C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x5827FC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x582805B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x5833B270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x5833BC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x5833C5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x57953C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x579545B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x57953270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x581CE5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 44 0x581CD270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 72 0x5735B5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 132 0x5732CC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 260 0x5732C270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 132 0x5733B5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x5615DC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5614FC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 16 0x5785D5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5785C270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 16 0x5785CC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5764C270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 16 0x575D6270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x575D6C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 16 0x575D75B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x575A55B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 18976 0x52A9F244 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 20 0x57850C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 20 0x578515B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 16 0x57850270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57858270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x578595B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57858C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x5742F5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x5742E270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x5742EC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x576B0C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x576B15B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x576B0270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x576BAC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x576BA270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x576BB5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57550270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57550C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x575515B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x575475B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57546270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57546C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57496C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57496270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x574975B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57476270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57476C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x574775B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57474C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x574755B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x57474270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573BE270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573BEC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573BF5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573B4270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573B4C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573B55B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573BC270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573BCC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573BD5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x573B6270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x573B6C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x573B75B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5735CC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5735D5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5735C270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x572E6C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x572E6270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x572E75B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x52E9A270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x52E9AC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x52E9B5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x52E9C270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x52E9CC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x52E9D5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5787E270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5787EC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x5787F5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57870270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57870C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x578715B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57874270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x578755B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57874C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FD1C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FD25B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FD1270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FDC5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FDBC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FDB270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FD9C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FDA5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FD9270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FD85B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FD7C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FD7270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE5C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE65B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE5270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FDE5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FDD270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FDDC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE45B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE3C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE3270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE1C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE25B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE1270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FEC5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FEBC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FEB270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE9C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FEA5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE9270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x55FE85B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x55FE7C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x55FE7270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x55FED270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x55FEDC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x55FEE5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57836270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57836C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x578375B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57822C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x578235B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 12 0x57822270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x5782B5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x5782AC10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x5782A270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x561B9C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x561BA5B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x561B9270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x561C5270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x561C5C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x561C65B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x577F8270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x577F95B0 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 64 0x577F8C10 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 8 0x52E8A270 [freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 35 0x57820C10 [allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:326, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 34 0x57810C10 [allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:326, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 35 0x55CC7C10 [allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:326, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
[Apps:Internet/NetSurf/NetSurf_OS3AmiSSL] - 34 0x5862A270 [allocated at frontends/amiga/misc.c:326, freed at stdlib_malloc.c:424]
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

Thankyou for reporting this issue.
We believe this is fixed in the 3.10 release.
If this is not the case please feel free to reopen the issue with additional details.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-12-05 19:50 Chris Young New Issue
2016-12-05 19:50 Chris Young File Added: sashimi.log.gz
2016-12-05 19:54 Chris Young Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2016-12-05 19:55 Chris Young Description Updated View Revisions
2016-12-05 19:55 Chris Young Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2016-12-05 19:57 Chris Young URL of problem page abut:welcome => about:welcome
2016-12-05 23:39 Chris Young File Deleted: sashimi.log.gz
2016-12-05 23:40 Chris Young File Added: sashimi.log.gz
2016-12-05 23:44 Chris Young Reported in CI build # 3790 => 3794
2016-12-05 23:44 Chris Young Note Added: 0001454
2016-12-05 23:44 Chris Young Description Updated View Revisions
2016-12-05 23:44 Chris Young Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2016-12-05 23:48 Chris Young Relationship added related to 0002490
2016-12-05 23:53 Chris Young Relationship added related to 0002491
2016-12-11 17:06 Chris Young File Deleted: sashimi.log.gz
2016-12-11 17:06 Chris Young File Added: sashimi.log.gz
2016-12-11 17:13 Chris Young Note Added: 0001460
2016-12-11 17:17 Chris Young Status new => confirmed
2019-06-09 19:04 Chris Young File Added: putty.log.xz
2019-06-09 19:05 Chris Young Note Added: 0001951
2019-06-09 19:11 Chris Young Note Added: 0001953
2019-06-09 19:19 Chris Young Note Edited: 0001953 View Revisions
2019-09-08 14:22 Chris Young Note Added: 0002093
2019-09-08 14:26 Chris Young Assigned To => Chris Young
2019-09-08 14:26 Chris Young Status confirmed => resolved
2019-09-08 14:26 Chris Young Resolution open => fixed
2019-09-08 14:26 Chris Young Fixed in Version => 3.10
2019-09-08 14:26 Chris Young Fixed in CI build # => 4845
2020-05-27 08:17 Vincent Sanders Status resolved => closed
2020-05-27 08:17 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0002242
+Issue History