2024-12-12 13:17 UTC

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002453NetSurfABENDpublic2016-05-09 10:55
ReporterRichard Porter 
Assigned To 
PlatformRiscPCOSRISC OSOS Version6.16
Product Version3.6 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002453: SegFault
DescriptionAfter fetching and processing for some time NS craches with a segmentation fault.
Steps To ReproduceGo to problem page.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #3528
URL of problem pagehttp://www.tvam.org.uk/
Attached Files


Dave Higton


Dave Higton (developer)

I've tried this with versions 3528 and 3537 on a BBxM running RO 5.22. No problem - the page renders as well as could be expected on RO. No segfault.

Richard, are your !Boot and !System updated from the NS distrinution?
Richard Porter


Richard Porter (reporter)

They were a while ago. I assume that any new module versions will be RMensured.
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

(3571.110000) render/html_object.c:707 html_fetch_object: 6 fetches active
(3571.240000) content/fetchers/curl.c:772 fetch_curl_process_headers: HTTP status code 200
(3574.380000) render/html_object.c:707 html_fetch_object: 7 fetches active
(3574.420000) content/content.c:76 content__init: url https://www.tvam.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TVAM_babb3-400x294.jpg -> 0x3aac8238
(3574.430000) content/content.c:660 content_add_user: content https://www.tvam.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TVAM_babb3-400x294.jpg (0x3aac8238), user 0xd0ee8 0x3a7e3cb8
(3574.430000) content/content.c:660 content_add_user: content https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQBoHAErV2uUhiiW&w=130&h=130&url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fhprofile-xfp1%2 (0x3a518688), user 0xd0ee8 0x3bcb4d28
(3574.430000) render/html_object.c:162 html_object_callback: 6 fetches active

Running thread 0x71b6dc (Main Thread)
  ( 724ee0) pc: 4e47d4 lr: 187c4c sp: 724ee4 __write_backtrace()
  ( 724f08) pc: 187bcc lr: 4e5100 sp: 724f0c ro_gui_signal()
  ( 724f30) pc: 4e50e8 lr: 4e4ddc sp: 724f34 __unixlib_exec_sig()
  ( 724fa0) pc: 4e48f4 lr: 4e56e8 sp: 724fa4 __unixlib_raise_signal()
  ( 724fb0) pc: 4e55ec lr: 3b6ffc sp: 7237a4 __h_cback()

  Register dump at 00724fb4:

    a1: 8907903a a2: c2ce9ffd a3: e0c03f8f a4: 7e6b660d
    v1: 3ab4f178 v2: 1ce1fdfd v3: 66d9b4 v4: 2bb30e82
    v5: 66d6c8 v6: 66d884 sl: 723208 fp: 72384c
    ip: 69b0452 sp: 7237a4 lr: 803b6ffc pc: 203a8968
    Mode USR, flags set: nzCvif

  003a8954 : . : e594c00c : LDR R12,[R4,#12]
  003a8958 : .P : e59d5000 : LDR R5,[R13,#0]
  003a895c : . " : e022200c : EOR R2,R2,R12
  003a8960 : . : e590c800 : LDR R12,[R0,0002048]
  003a8964 : ..# : e0230005 : EOR R0,R3,R5
  003a8968 : .0 : e59d300c : LDR R3,[R13,#12]
  003a896c : $P : e59d5024 : LDR R5,[R13,#36]
  003a8970 : .p' : e0277003 : EOR R7,R7,R3
  003a8974 : .0 : e59d3004 : LDR R3,[R13,#4]

  ( 72384c) pc: 3b6d1c lr: 34eb18 sp: 723850 CRYPTO_gcm128_decrypt()
  ( 72387c) pc: 34e880 lr: 352800 sp: 723880 aes_gcm_cipher()
  ( 72388c) pc: 3527ec lr: 2eea74 sp: 723890 EVP_Cipher()
  ( 7238dc) pc: 2ee818 lr: 2e4494 sp: 7238e0 tls1_enc()
  ( 7239b4) pc: 2e40dc lr: 2e0d80 sp: 7239b8 ssl3_read_bytes()
  ( 7239d8) pc: 2e0d20 lr: 2f4db8 sp: 7239dc ssl3_read()
  ( 7239ec) pc: 2f4d78 lr: 2d5144 sp: 7239f0 SSL_read()
  ( 723a84) pc: 2d5104 lr: 2ab118 sp: 723a88 ossl_recv()
  ( 723ab8) pc: 2ab014 lr: 2c9a38 sp: 723abc Curl_read()
  ( 723b28) pc: 2c990c lr: 2b27fc sp: 723b2c Curl_readwrite()
  ( 723b78) pc: 2b1f1c lr: 2b30dc sp: 723b7c multi_runsingle()
  ( 723bc8) pc: 2b3044 lr: c9ef4 sp: 723bcc curl_multi_perform()
  ( 723c64) pc: c9eb4 lr: c6e34 sp: 723c68 fetch_curl_poll()
  ( 723c7c) pc: c6e04 lr: 19b8d0 sp: 723c80 fetcher_poll()
  ( 723c9c) pc: 19b888 lr: 9ffc sp: 723ca0 schedule_run()
  ( 723fe8) pc: 9750 lr: 4f3634 sp: 723fec main()

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-05-04 14:10 Richard Porter New Issue
2016-05-04 14:10 Richard Porter File Added: nslog325.zip
2016-05-08 19:27 Dave Higton Note Added: 0001376
2016-05-08 22:47 Richard Porter Note Added: 0001377
2016-05-09 10:55 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0001378
2016-05-09 10:55 Vincent Sanders Status new => acknowledged
2016-05-09 10:55 Vincent Sanders Product Version => 3.6
+Issue History