2024-07-27 07:34 BST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002425NetSurfCocoa-specificpublic2016-02-16 13:47
ReporterVincent Sanders 
Assigned To 
Platformapple x86OSmax os XOS Version10.10
Product Version3.4 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002425: once app has started clicking on the netsurf icon in the dock causes a segfault
Descriptionthe app segfaults once a window is brought up
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #3387
URL of problem page
Attached Files


Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

backtrace in debugger shows a recursion in message delivery thousands of entries deep, the end of it is pasted here.

    frame #261701: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261702: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261703: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261704: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261705: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261706: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261707: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261708: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261709: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261710: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261711: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261712: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261713: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261714: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261715: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261716: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261717: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261718: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261719: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261720: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261721: 0x00007fff8c1288d5 AppKit`-[NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] + 55
    frame #261722: 0x00007fff8bffe073 AppKit`-[NSCell resetCursorRect:inView:] + 87
    frame #261723: 0x00007fff8bffdfb3 AppKit`-[NSControl resetCursorRects] + 160
    frame #261724: 0x00007fff8bffc2ef AppKit`-[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreas] + 663
    frame #261725: 0x00007fff8bffc799 AppKit`-[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreas] + 1857
    frame #261726: 0x00007fff8bffc799 AppKit`-[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreas] + 1857
    frame #261727: 0x00007fff8bffc799 AppKit`-[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreas] + 1857
    frame #261728: 0x00007fff8bffc799 AppKit`-[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreas] + 1857
    frame #261729: 0x00007fff8bffc799 AppKit`-[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreas] + 1857
    frame #261730: 0x00007fff8bffc799 AppKit`-[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreas] + 1857
    frame #261731: 0x00007fff8bffbeb2 AppKit`_handleInvalidCursorRectsNote + 1077
    frame #261732: 0x00007fff8c67f211 AppKit`__35-[NSWindow _postInvalidCursorRects]_block_invoke3353 + 46
    frame #261733: 0x00007fff87124127 CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
    frame #261734: 0x00007fff87124080 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoObservers + 368
    frame #261735: 0x00007fff87116188 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 872
    frame #261736: 0x00007fff87115bd8 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
    frame #261737: 0x00007fff90b0556f HIToolbox`RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
    frame #261738: 0x00007fff90b051ee HIToolbox`ReceiveNextEventCommon + 179
    frame #261739: 0x00007fff90b0512b HIToolbox`_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
    frame #261740: 0x00007fff8bf3a8ab AppKit`_DPSNextEvent + 978
    frame #261741: 0x00007fff8bf39e58 AppKit`-[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 346
    frame #261742: 0x000000010000a542 NetSurf`-[NetSurfApp run](self=0x000000010096cb00, _cmd=<unavailable>) + 252 at NetsurfApp.m:112
    frame #261743: 0x000000010000ac40 NetSurf`main(argc=<unavailable>, argv=<unavailable>) + 1296 at NetsurfApp.m:304
    frame #261744: 0x00007fff8b1865c9 libdyld.dylib`start + 1
David Pitt


David Pitt (reporter)

Last edited: 2016-02-11 08:59

View 2 revisions

Using #3387, FWIW this is from El Capitan 10.11.3, 10.7.5 also reports the Dyld version issue.

Process: NetSurf [2276]
Path: /Volumes/VOLUME/NetSurf.app/Contents/MacOS/NetSurf
Identifier: org.netsurf-browser.NetSurf
Version: ???
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: NetSurf [2276]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2016-02-11 08:40:38.305 +0000
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.11.3 (15D21)
Report Version: 11
Anonymous UUID: C0F09CEA-FAB5-22F8-70B2-7C86879D32BE

Sleep/Wake UUID: 0B1DBE9F-9BAB-4143-A2D8-E61EA321B8BB

Time Awake Since Boot: 36000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 130 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
  Referenced from: /Volumes/VOLUME/NetSurf.app/Contents/MacOS/NetSurf
  Reason: Incompatible library version: NetSurf requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libiconv.2.dylib provides version 7.0.0

Binary Images:
0x8fee7000 - 0x8ff1b58f dyld (360.19) <8F9518A3-884D-35FF-8FD9-FB149B7F1BF2> /usr/lib/dyld
0x94b3d000 - 0x94c2eff3 libiconv.2.dylib (44) <4EB465C8-E736-3DBD-9F62-74B73B66A84B> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib

Model: iMac14,2, BootROM IM142.0118.B12, 4 processors, Intel Core i5, 3.4 GHz, 16 GB, SMC 2.15f7


-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-02-11 08:16 Vincent Sanders New Issue
2016-02-11 08:19 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0001217
2016-02-11 08:57 David Pitt Note Added: 0001218
2016-02-11 08:59 David Pitt Note Edited: 0001218 View Revisions
2016-02-16 13:47 Vincent Sanders Status new => confirmed
+Issue History