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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002196NetSurfGTK-specificpublic2014-09-08 15:51
Assigned To 
SeverityminorReproducibilityunable to reproduce 
Platformx86OSlinuxOS Versionubuntu-12.04
Product Version3.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002196: Javascript not working
DescriptionI tried to run a javascript but its not working
Additional InformationI am using netsurf-3.1, my log is

M.CONFIG: JPEG (libjpeg) enabled (NETSURF_USE_JPEG := YES)
M.CONFIG: PDF export (haru) disabled (NETSURF_USE_HARU_PDF := NO)
M.CONFIG: glibc internal iconv enabled (NETSURF_USE_LIBICONV_PLUG := YES)
M.CONFIG: PNG (libpng) enabled (NETSURF_USE_PNG := YES)
M.CONFIG: BMP (libnsbmp) enabled (NETSURF_USE_BMP := YES)
M.CONFIG: GIF (libnsgif) enabled (NETSURF_USE_GIF := YES)
M.CONFIG: SVG (librsvg-2.0) auto-enabled (NETSURF_USE_RSVG := AUTO)
M.CONFIG: SVG (libsvgtiny) auto-disabled (NETSURF_USE_NSSVG := AUTO)
M.CONFIG: Sprite (librosprite) auto-disabled (NETSURF_USE_ROSPRITE := AUTO)
M.CONFIG: WebP (libwebp) disabled (NETSURF_USE_WEBP := NO)
M.CONFIG: JavaScript (mozjs185) auto-enabled (NETSURF_USE_MOZJS := AUTO)
M.CONFIG: JavaScript (mozilla-js) auto-disabled (NETSURF_USE_JS := AUTO)
M.CONFIG: Video (gstreamer-0.10) disabled (NETSURF_USE_VIDEO := NO)
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
URL of problem page
Attached Files


Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

The javascript support is very limited and has to be enabled using the option in the preferences dialog (for gtk)

The amount of javascript DOM supported is minimal and only the basic tests within netsurf itself currently work.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-09-08 08:31 Naveen New Issue
2014-09-08 15:51 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0000487
2014-09-08 15:51 Vincent Sanders Status new => acknowledged
+Issue History