View Issue Details [ Jump to Notes ] | [ Issue History ] [ Print ] | ||||||||
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | ||||
0002157 | NetSurf | [All Projects] General | public | 2014-06-24 00:24 | 2015-03-10 11:11 | ||||
Reporter | Alan Richardson | ||||||||
Assigned To | Vincent Sanders | ||||||||
Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always | ||||||
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||||||
Platform | Risc PC | OS | RISC OS | OS Version | 4.02 | ||||
Product Version | 3.2 | ||||||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | 3.2 | |||||||
Summary | 0002157: Crashed accessing Website | ||||||||
Description | A serious internal error and must exit | ||||||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||||||
Fixed in CI build # | 2019 | ||||||||
Reported in CI build # | 1959 | ||||||||
URL of problem page | | ||||||||
Attached Files |
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Vincent Sanders (administrator) 2014-06-24 18:05 |
unless you can provide a great deal more information about this (what website, how were you browsing, what versions etc. etc.) I shall simply close this bug. such reports are unhelpful. |
Vincent Sanders (administrator) 2014-06-27 10:02 |
HI, Sorry about that. I am just following NetSurf instructions. When it crashes it tells me to send the log file. I had assumed the log would show connection details. I was connected to looking for printer power supplies. I may have been using the site's search facility at that stage. |
Vincent Sanders (administrator) 2014-06-27 10:03 |
(1867.690000) content/fetchers/curl.c fetch_curl_setup 383: fetch 0x18adab88, url '' (1867.700000) riscos/sslcert.c ro_gui_cert_release_window 340: Releasing SSL data: 0x19114f48 (1867.700000) riscos/wimp_event.c ro_gui_wimp_event_finalise 297: Removing all events for window 0x2380139 (1867.700000) riscos/wimp_event.c ro_gui_wimp_event_finalise 297: Removing all events for window 0x2380019 (1867.700000) desktop/sslcert_viewer.c sslcert_viewer_fini 410: Finalising ssl certificate viewer (1867.700000) desktop/sslcert_viewer.c sslcert_viewer_fini 423: Finalised ssl certificate viewer "desktop/tree.c", line 216: treeview_test_redraw: Assertion failed: ssl_current_session != NULL && "Can't use sslcert window after sslcert_viewer_fini()" http_proxy:0 http_proxy_host: http_proxy_port:8080 http_proxy_auth:0 http_proxy_auth_user: http_proxy_auth_pass: http_proxy_noproxy:localhost font_size:128 font_min_size:85 font_sans:Homerton font_serif:Trinity font_mono:Corpus font_cursive:Homerton font_fantasy:Sassoon accept_language:en accept_charset: memory_cache_size:5347737 disc_cache_size:1073741824 disc_cache_age:28 block_advertisements:0 do_not_track:0 minimum_gif_delay:10 send_referer:1 foreground_images:1 background_images:1 animate_images:1 enable_javascript:1 script_timeout:10 expire_url:28 font_default:0 ca_path: cookie_file:NetSurf:Cookies cookie_jar:<Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.Cookies homepage_url: search_url_bar:0 search_provider:0 url_suggestion:1 window_x:0 window_y:0 window_width:0 window_height:0 window_screen_width:0 window_screen_height:0 toolbar_status_size:6667 scale:100 incremental_reflow:1 min_reflow_period:100 core_select_menu:0 max_fetchers:24 max_fetchers_per_host:5 max_cached_fetch_handles:6 suppress_curl_debug:1 target_blank:1 button_2_tab:1 margin_top:10 margin_bottom:10 margin_left:10 margin_right:10 export_scale:70 suppress_images:0 remove_backgrounds:0 enable_loosening:1 enable_PDF_compression:1 enable_PDF_password:0 sys_colour_ActiveBorder:000000 sys_colour_ActiveCaption:eeeebb sys_colour_AppWorkspace:dddddd sys_colour_Background:dddddd sys_colour_ButtonFace:dddddd sys_colour_ButtonHighlight:555555 sys_colour_ButtonShadow:777777 sys_colour_ButtonText:000000 sys_colour_CaptionText:000000 sys_colour_GrayText:999999 sys_colour_Highlight:000000 sys_colour_HighlightText:ffffff sys_colour_InactiveBorder:000000 sys_colour_InactiveCaption:bbbbbb sys_colour_InactiveCaptionText:000000 sys_colour_InfoBackground:eeeebb sys_colour_InfoText:000000 sys_colour_Menu:ffffff sys_colour_MenuText:000000 sys_colour_Scrollbar:bbbbbb sys_colour_ThreeDDarkShadow:777777 sys_colour_ThreeDFace:dddddd sys_colour_ThreeDHighlight:ffffff sys_colour_ThreeDLightShadow:ffffff sys_colour_ThreeDShadow:777777 sys_colour_Window:dddddd sys_colour_WindowFrame:000000 sys_colour_WindowText:000000 theme:Aletheia language:en plot_fg_quality:8 plot_bg_quality:4 history_tooltip:1 toolbar_show_buttons:1 toolbar_show_address:1 toolbar_show_throbber:1 toolbar_browser:0123|58|9 toolbar_hotlist:40|12|3 toolbar_history:0|12|3 toolbar_cookies:0|12 window_stagger:1 window_size_clone:1 buffer_animations:1 buffer_everything:1 open_browser_at_startup:0 no_plugins:0 block_popups:0 strip_extensions:1 confirm_overwrite:1 confirm_hotlist_remove:1 url_path:NetSurf:URL url_save:<Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.URL hotlist_path:NetSurf:Hotlist hotlist_save:<Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.Hotlist recent_path:NetSurf:Recent recent_save:<Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.Recent theme_path:NetSurf:Themes theme_save:<Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.Themes thumbnail_iconise:1 interactive_help:1 external_hotlists:0 external_hotlist_app: Fatal signal received: Aborted Stack backtrace: Running thread 0x68e7ec ( 69699c) pc: 47eaf8 lr: bb728 sp: 6969a0 __write_backtrace() ( 6969c8) pc: bb6a8 lr: 47f340 sp: 6969cc ^ro_gui_signal() ( 6969f0) pc: 47f330 lr: 47f164 sp: 6969f4 __unixlib_exec_sig() ( 696a58) pc: 47ec1c lr: 4c6f20 sp: 696a5c __unixlib_raise_signal() ( 696a68) pc: 4c6f00 lr: 486fb4 sp: 696a6c raise() ( 696a7c) pc: 486f78 lr: acc4c sp: 696a80 abort() ( 696a98) pc: acc04 lr: 71fb8 sp: 696a9c __assert2() ( 696ac0) pc: 71ec0 lr: dbc44 sp: 696ac4 tree_draw() ( 696b04) pc: dbb3c lr: dcca0 sp: 696b08 ^ro_treeview_redraw_loop() ( 696b20) pc: dcbb4 lr: e2250 sp: 696b24 ^ro_treeview_redraw() ( 696b34) pc: e221c lr: bd82c sp: 696b38 ro_gui_wimp_event_redraw_window() ( 696e00) pc: bd530 lr: 640a8 sp: 696e04 ^riscos_poll() ( 696e1c) pc: 64074 lr: be87c sp: 696e20 netsurf_main_loop() ( 696fe8) pc: be20c lr: 48d7a0 sp: 696fec main() |
Vincent Sanders (administrator) 2014-07-17 14:31 |
Turns out this was a cross platform issue where the certificate information was not being copied from the message so was being used after free. |
Vincent Sanders (administrator) 2015-03-10 11:11 |
Confirmed fixed in 3.2 release |
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Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2014-06-24 00:24 | Alan Richardson | New Issue | |
2014-06-24 00:24 | Alan Richardson | File Added: ScrapFile | |
2014-06-24 18:05 | Vincent Sanders | Note Added: 0000393 | |
2014-06-24 18:05 | Vincent Sanders | Status | new => feedback |
2014-06-27 10:02 | Vincent Sanders | URL of problem page | => |
2014-06-27 10:02 | Vincent Sanders | Note Added: 0000397 | |
2014-06-27 10:02 | Vincent Sanders | Status | feedback => acknowledged |
2014-06-27 10:02 | Vincent Sanders | Reported in CI build # | => 1959 |
2014-06-27 10:02 | Vincent Sanders | Product Version | => 3.2 |
2014-06-27 10:03 | Vincent Sanders | Note Added: 0000398 | |
2014-06-27 10:04 | Vincent Sanders | Assigned To | => Michael Drake |
2014-06-27 10:04 | Vincent Sanders | Category | RISC OS-specific => General |
2014-07-17 14:31 | Vincent Sanders | Fixed in CI build # | => 2019 |
2014-07-17 14:31 | Vincent Sanders | Note Added: 0000407 | |
2014-07-17 14:31 | Vincent Sanders | Assigned To | Michael Drake => Vincent Sanders |
2014-07-17 14:31 | Vincent Sanders | Reproducibility | have not tried => always |
2014-07-17 14:31 | Vincent Sanders | Status | acknowledged => resolved |
2014-07-17 14:31 | Vincent Sanders | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-07-17 14:31 | Vincent Sanders | Fixed in Version | => 3.2 |
2015-03-10 11:11 | Vincent Sanders | Note Added: 0000714 | |
2015-03-10 11:11 | Vincent Sanders | Status | resolved => closed |