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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002130NetSurfLayoutpublic2014-08-04 21:01
ReporterChris Young 
Assigned To 
SeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried 
PlatformAmigaOSAmigaOSOS Version4.1
Product Version3.2 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002130: Crash on forum page
DescriptionWhen trying to reproduce 0002128, NetSurf crashed accessing http://www.amigans.net/modules/xforum/viewtopic.php?topic_id=6549&forum=27
I'm not sure if this is related to the system freeze in that bug.
Additional InformationStack trace:
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000128a4
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00012774
    css__selector_hash_create()+0x4c (section 1 @ 0x43ED3C)
    css_stylesheet_create()+0x14c (section 1 @ 0x420560)
    [css/select.c:193] nscss_create_inline_style()+0x84 (section 1 @ 0x89F5C)
    [render/box_construct.c:1320] convert_xml_to_box()+0x8c4 (section 1 @ 0xBDA24)
    [amiga/schedule.c:161] schedule_run()+0x7c (section 1 @ 0x32088)
    [amiga/gui.c:2617] ami_get_msg()+0x200 (section 1 @ 0x1CAB4)
    [desktop/netsurf.c:260] netsurf_main_loop()+0x54 (section 1 @ 0x9D97C)
    [amiga/gui.c:5324] main()+0x5e4 (section 1 @ 0x1D780)
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d5c
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ef0
    _start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x16C)
    native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00024cd0
    native kernel module kernel+0x0003b4b0
    native kernel module kernel+0x0003b530
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #1900
URL of problem pagehttp://www.amigans.net/modules/xforum/viewtopic.php?topic_id=6549&forum=27
Attached Files




kinnison (administrator)

This page also contains the enormous animated GIF Unsure if this is related though. We cannot reproduce any crashing similar to the above though.
Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

Last edited: 2014-08-04 21:01

View 2 revisions

I'm still getting a complete system freeze on that page, so it's going to be difficult to tell whether the crashing is fixed until 2128 is resolved.


-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-05-22 19:34 Chris Young New Issue
2014-05-22 19:34 Chris Young File Added: Crashlog_NetSurf_2014-05-22_19-03-11.txt
2014-05-24 21:19 Vincent Sanders Status new => acknowledged
2014-05-24 21:19 Vincent Sanders Description Updated View Revisions
2014-05-24 21:19 Vincent Sanders Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2014-08-03 15:58 kinnison Note Added: 0000441
2014-08-04 21:00 Chris Young Note Added: 0000445
2014-08-04 21:01 Chris Young Note Edited: 0000445 View Revisions
+Issue History