2025-03-13 19:12 UTC

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001892NetSurfGTK-specificpublic2015-03-10 11:10
ReporterSourceforge Import placeholder 
Assigned ToVincent Sanders 
PlatformDell Inspiron 1525 laptopOSCentOSOS Version6/i686
Product Version2.8 
Target VersionFixed in Version3.2 
Summary0001892: Missing "copy URL" option
DescriptionI have not found this option anywhere in the menus or documentation.

No option in context menu, nor any other way I can find, to yank a link into any buffer. This is the only graphical browser I've tested which does not offer this option. I would think it's standard to right click on a link and grab the URL for transport to another application or location.

All sites and web pages tested.
Steps To ReproduceRight-click on link; no such option appears.
Additional Informationharriet added a note on Wed Mar 28 00:19:23 2012

Do you have an Object->Link->Save/Download target/Openin in new window context menu option in your port?

zcorn added a note on Mon Mar 19 22:32:07 2012

The Atari Frontend implements that option ;)

It's also possible with GTK, for many links. Open the link in a new tab and copy from the URL bar.

Imported from sourceforge bug http://sourceforge.net/support/tracker.php?aid=3501834 on Tue Dec 10 17:34:13 2013

TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #2005
Reported in CI build #
URL of problem page
Attached Files

has duplicate 0002153closed Buildsystem usability improvement: add "copy link location" to context menu of hyperlinks 



sabotage_linux (reporter)

"open in new tab and copy link" is not really an option.
take for example http://ftp.gnu.org/ and click on the tar.gz there - it doesnt open in a new tab but instead the download dialogue pops up. likewise you may specifically *not* want to open an url, for example to copy/paste it into a tor-anonymized browser or download program.
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

Added new context menu for links. Includes copy to clipboard and bookmark link
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

Confirmed fixed in 3.2 release

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-12-10 17:41 Vincent Sanders New Issue
2013-12-10 17:41 Vincent Sanders Status new => assigned
2013-12-10 17:41 Vincent Sanders Assigned To => Sourceforge Import placeholder
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Assigned To Sourceforge Import placeholder =>
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Reproducibility have not tried => always
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Status assigned => acknowledged
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Resolution no change required => open
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Category General => GTK-specific
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders OS => CentOS
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders OS Version => 6/i686
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Platform => Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Product Version => 2.8
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Description Updated View Revisions
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2013-12-18 15:37 Vincent Sanders Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2014-06-17 13:52 Vincent Sanders Relationship added has duplicate 0002153
2014-06-17 18:21 sabotage_linux Note Added: 0000387
2014-07-07 22:42 Vincent Sanders Fixed in CI build # => 2005
2014-07-07 22:42 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0000401
2014-07-07 22:42 Vincent Sanders Assigned To => Vincent Sanders
2014-07-07 22:42 Vincent Sanders Status acknowledged => resolved
2014-07-07 22:42 Vincent Sanders Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-07 22:42 Vincent Sanders Fixed in Version => 3.2
2015-03-10 11:10 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0000710
2015-03-10 11:10 Vincent Sanders Status resolved => closed
+Issue History