2024-07-27 07:22 BST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000455NetSurf[All Projects] Generalpublic2013-12-24 14:16
Assigned To 
SeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000455: title="" attribute displayed wrongly on 'float'ed elements
DescriptionWhen one has a construct like

<div title="Wrapper div">
  <div style="float: left;" title="1st child.">
    1st child.
  <div title="2nd child.">
    2nd child.

hovering over either of the two children divs shows the text "2nd child" as the tooltip/statusbartip.
Additional InformationImported from sourceforge bug http://sourceforge.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1908353 on Tue Dec 10 17:34:12 2013

TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-12-10 17:41 Vincent Sanders New Issue
2013-12-10 17:41 Vincent Sanders Status new => assigned
2013-12-10 17:41 Vincent Sanders Assigned To => Sourceforge Import placeholder
2013-12-24 14:16 Vincent Sanders Assigned To Sourceforge Import placeholder =>
2013-12-24 14:16 Vincent Sanders Status assigned => acknowledged
2013-12-24 14:16 Vincent Sanders Resolution no change required => open
2013-12-24 14:16 Vincent Sanders Description Updated View Revisions
2013-12-24 14:16 Vincent Sanders Additional Information Updated View Revisions
+Issue History