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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002816Buildsystem[All Projects] Generalpublic2021-04-14 17:34
ReporterRyan Carsten Schmidt 
Assigned To 
Summary0002816: NetSurf is now available in MacPorts
DescriptionI wanted to let you know that I added NetSurf to MacPorts so MacPorts users can now install it just by running:

sudo port selfupdate && sudo port install NetSurf

Your web site mentioned that NetSurf is compatible with macOS but does not appear to offer any precompiled releases so I thought the ability to install it this way might be welcome.

You are welcome to mention it on your web site or in your installation instructions. If you would like to mention a URL along with that, the URL to use is https://ports.macports.org/port/NetSurf
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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-04-14 17:34 Ryan Carsten Schmidt New Issue
+Issue History