2025-02-15 23:47 UTC

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002775NetSurf[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-10-15 23:02
ReporterHarriet Bazley 
Assigned To 
PlatformARMiniXOSRISC OSOS Version5.27
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002775: URLs get truncated/corrupted on drag
DescriptionI've noticed that when I try to insert URLs into a StrongED window by dragging the text from the URL icon, they often seem to come out truncated, with a random extra character inserted at the end. This seems to happen when the URL in question ends with a link to a local anchor on the page, but it may simply be that these tend to be the longer URLs.

I've also seen the same behaviour when dragging into a textarea in Netsurf itself, e.g. when sending PMs via a website or making bug reports. However, it's not reliably reproducible in either case.
Steps To ReproduceI've just opened the URL https://m.fanfiction.net/topic/2872/80408163/145/#180965995 (by double-clicking on a text file in StrongED) and dragged the contents of the URL bar into this icon, with the results seen below:


I had previously had an identical result when performing the same drag into a StrongED window, and I see the same corruption/truncation in the resulting file when dragging from the URL bar to a Filer window.
Additional Informationhttps://m.fanfiction.net/topic/2872/80408163/145/#180965995
Unfortunately this does *not* happen every time, as I've just demonstrated above by opening a second Netsurf window on the same URL and anchor, and dragging from that....

Here's another example, from a random Dreamwidth journal:
The displayed URL was https://dialecticdreamer.dreamwidth.org/124759.html#cutid1 (this specific 'p' corruption seems to be quite common when performing a URL-bar drag to link to subsections in Dreamwidth blogs; here's another one found by clicking on links from the post above: http://dialecticdreamer.dreamwidth.org/42049.html#cutid1p )
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #5041
URL of problem pagehttps://dialecticdreamer.dreamwidth.org/124759.html#cutid1
Attached Files


Harriet Bazley


Harriet Bazley (reporter)

Now that the URL bar dragging behaviour has been restored, I'm seeing the corruption/truncation of the dragged URLs again.

I'm definitely getting the impression that it seems to be specific to URLs that reference a local page anchor.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-06-02 17:08 Harriet Bazley New Issue
2022-10-15 23:02 Harriet Bazley Note Added: 0002407
+Issue History