2024-07-27 07:20 BST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002764NetSurfDevelopmentpublic2022-01-12 08:34
ReporterZen Subz 
Assigned ToMichael Drake 
PlatformLinuxOSCentOSOS Version7.8
Product Version3.10 
Target Version3.10Fixed in Version 
Summary0002764: History/cookies entries not clickable
DescriptionThank you for fixing 0002763. But in my humble opinion, the problem still seems to exist, in the sense, after collapsing, some entries are clickable but others are not - I have attached two gif files - one for history entries, and the other for cookies. Have checked up to the latest dev. build (v5140) and the issue still persists - hope I don't sound very weird.

TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #5140
URL of problem page
Attached Files


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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-05-24 04:53 Zen Subz New Issue
2020-05-24 04:53 Zen Subz File Added: netsurf-history-click-entry.gif
2020-05-24 04:53 Zen Subz File Added: netsurf-cookies-click-entry.gif
2020-05-24 09:20 Vincent Sanders Assigned To => Michael Drake
2020-05-24 09:20 Vincent Sanders Status new => assigned
2020-05-24 09:20 Vincent Sanders Product Version 3.9 => 3.10
2020-05-24 09:20 Vincent Sanders Target Version => 3.10
2020-05-24 09:20 Vincent Sanders Description Updated View Revisions
+Issue History