2025-02-13 22:40 UTC

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002604NetSurfRISC OS-specificpublic2018-07-20 14:15
ReporterSimon Smith 
Assigned To 
PlatformRaspberry Pi 3OSRISC OSOS Version
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002604: Plain, standard icon for saved web pages as alternative to autogenerated thumbnail images
DescriptionNetSurf takes the trouble to generate a tiny 34x34 image of every web page when yu do a Full Save. But they're just blobs and I'm afraid I mostly find them untidy. They're also frequently indistinguishable from one another. (I use small icons, which does make this issue worse) Please may I just have a generic 'Saved web page' file sprite rather than every page having its own 'unique in theory but not usefully unique in practice' autogenerated icon? Sorry.

I appreciate this would require a config setting. You already have an option 'Use thumbnails for iconised windows' (and if it's off you just get a generic pinned window icon); a sister setting 'Use thumbnails for Full Saves of web pages' would be perfect. I could just turn it off and settle for a standard default sprite without having to manually intervene in every full save directory, which is what I do now.
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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-06-27 18:43 Simon Smith New Issue
2018-07-20 14:15 Michael Drake Status new => acknowledged
2018-07-20 14:15 Michael Drake Description Updated View Revisions
+Issue History