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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002547Buildsystem[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-04-21 09:29
ReporterAshish Gupta 
Assigned To 
Summary0002547: [Netsurf KolibriOS] kos32-gcc toolchain not built from source
DescriptionThe kos32-gcc toolchain is difficult to build from source.
This is because currently the compiler relies on hardcoded paths /home/autobuild to do the build. This is due to the fact that the KolibriOS autobuild server uses it and the toolchain was created for the autobuild server.

For now, the only feasible solution is to downloaded verifiable (sha 512) pre-built sdk from the kolibrios FTP server and use that to build Netsurf libraries and Netsurf itself.

This should be fixed eventually when the compiler for KolibriOS matures.
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Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-06-13 05:13 Ashish Gupta New Issue
2018-04-21 09:29 Vincent Sanders Status new => acknowledged
+Issue History