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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002426NetSurfLayoutpublic2017-05-09 00:17
ReporterChris Young 
Assigned To 
PlatformAmigaOSAmigaOSOS Version4.1
Product Version3.4 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002426: Page takes a long time to process and is unreadable
DescriptionThe following page seems to take a long time to process:

When it does appear, the image and text is squashed into very short rows. This would be OK, however they flow outside the visible area rendering the article unreadable.
Steps To ReproduceVisit http://www.bedfordshire-news.co.uk/Things-knew-Bedford-22-8203-Ouse-known-Great/story-28723063-detail/story.html
Additional InformationLog and screenshot attached.

The article and image appears to be rendered in a very narrow frame.
With JS off the page still displays wrong but appears much quicker.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #3390
URL of problem pagehttp://www.bedfordshire-news.co.uk/Things-knew-Bedford-22-8203-Ouse-known-Great/story-28723063-detail/story.html
Attached Files
  • log file icon ns.log (298,698 bytes) 2016-02-13 17:45
  • jpg file icon bos.jpg (132,309 bytes) 2016-02-13 17:47 -
    jpg file icon bos.jpg (132,309 bytes) 2016-02-13 17:47 +


Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

I've just spotted that there is a scrollbar at the bottom of the article, so it has squashed itself into a frame of that width. Still seems wrong though.
Michael Drake


Michael Drake (administrator)

This is: LibCSS needs to gain support for Media Queries.
Chris Young


Chris Young (developer)

Last edited: 2017-05-09 00:17

View 2 revisions

The layout of this page is correct now, but it is still taking an extremely long time to display when JS is on.

reload with JS off = 0.8s
reload with JS on = 20.5s


-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-02-13 17:45 Chris Young New Issue
2016-02-13 17:45 Chris Young File Added: ns.log
2016-02-13 17:47 Chris Young File Added: bos.jpg
2016-02-13 17:49 Chris Young Note Added: 0001221
2016-02-13 18:02 Chris Young Description Updated View Revisions
2016-02-13 18:02 Chris Young Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2016-02-13 18:02 Chris Young Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2016-02-16 13:47 Vincent Sanders Status new => acknowledged
2016-03-30 09:01 Michael Drake Note Added: 0001363
2017-05-09 00:15 Chris Young Note Added: 0001561
2017-05-09 00:17 Chris Young Note Edited: 0001561 View Revisions
+Issue History