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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002161NetSurfJavascriptpublic2019-05-06 14:18
ReporterEwen Pring 
Assigned To 
PlatformRISC OSOSRISC OSOS Version5.21
Product Version3.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002161: Intermittent display of static Google PNG route map (AA web site)
DescriptionThe AA classic route planner results page should have a Google map PNG image showing a route on it with markers, located in the space above the textual directions.

Sometimes this works in Netsurf for RISC OS (version 3.1); it has
worked fine twice today. But the majority of the time it does not
display the map, just a blank space the size of the map.

Frustrating, as I've seen the route map come through so I know Netsurf
and the web site are together capable of showing it, but most of the
time they don't!
Steps To ReproduceVisit URL of problem page (below)
Enter from and to postcodes
Press "Get route" button
Tick "would you like a map of your route"
Press "Get route" button

Additional InformationI tried deleting all cookies and history and restarting Netsurf, but
this does not always mean it will work.

Javascript is off in Netsurf choices.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
URL of problem page http://www.theaa.com/route-planner/classic/planner_main.jsp
Attached Files


Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

This is related to javascript usage on the site

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-01 16:22 Ewen Pring New Issue
2014-07-02 15:01 Vincent Sanders Assigned To => Michael Drake
2014-07-02 15:01 Vincent Sanders Status new => acknowledged
2014-07-02 15:01 Vincent Sanders Category General => Layout
2014-07-02 15:01 Vincent Sanders Description Updated View Revisions
2014-07-02 15:01 Vincent Sanders Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2014-07-02 15:01 Vincent Sanders Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2014-08-03 15:37 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0000438
2014-08-03 15:37 Vincent Sanders Assigned To Michael Drake => Vincent Sanders
2014-08-03 15:37 Vincent Sanders Category Layout => Javascript
2019-05-06 14:18 Vincent Sanders Assigned To Vincent Sanders =>
+Issue History