2024-07-27 01:44 BST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001376NetSurfLayoutpublic2014-01-26 11:43
ReporterRichard Wheeler 
Assigned To 
SeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried 
PlatformSA Risc PCOSRISC OSOS Version4.37
Product Version1.0 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001376: CAPTION is not processed correctly
Descriptionwithin an HTML table the text I place within a CAPTION element appears to be treated as though it were within an initial TR TD element - in other words the text in the CAPTION element appears as the cell at row 0, column 1 in the table.

Also, and probably as a direct consequence, the CAPTION text appears within any table borders rather than outside the table borders. It would be nice to have proper processing for CAPTION.

This is with many versions of Netsurf, the latest being 04 April 2006 11:00
Additional InformationImported from sourceforge bug http://sourceforge.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1466327 on Tue Dec 10 17:34:13 2013

TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-12-10 17:41 Vincent Sanders New Issue
2013-12-10 17:41 Vincent Sanders Assigned To => Sourceforge Import placeholder
2014-01-25 11:50 Michael Drake Status closed => acknowledged
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders Assigned To Sourceforge Import placeholder => Michael Drake
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders Status acknowledged => confirmed
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders Category General => Layout
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders OS => RISC OS
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders OS Version => 4.37
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders Platform => SA Risc PC
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders Product Version => 1.0
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders Description Updated View Revisions
2014-01-26 10:25 Vincent Sanders Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2014-01-26 11:43 Michael Drake Status confirmed => assigned
2014-01-26 11:43 Michael Drake Assigned To Michael Drake =>
2014-01-26 11:43 Michael Drake Status assigned => confirmed
2014-01-26 11:43 Michael Drake Description Updated View Revisions
2014-01-26 11:43 Michael Drake Additional Information Updated View Revisions
+Issue History