2024-05-03 06:39 BST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002444NetSurfWin32-specificpublic2016-04-12 11:45
ReporterVincent Sanders 
Assigned ToVincent Sanders 
Platformx86OSwindowsOS Version7
Product Version3.4 
Target VersionFixed in Version3.5 
Summary0002444: windows version fails to navigate to wikipedia
Descriptionattempting to navigate to wikipedia results in error "Unable to fetch document" from content/llcache.c probably in llcache_query_handle_response() but has three errors all using the same error message text
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #3446
Reported in CI build #3443
URL of problem pagehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Attached Files
  • ? file icon out (54,716 bytes) 2016-03-16 21:42 -
    (0.000000) utils/log.c:101 nslog_init: NetSurf version '3.5 (Dev CI #3443)'
    (0.000000) utils/log.c:110 nslog_init: NetSurf on <windows>, node <nodename>, release <release>, version <version>, machine <pc>
    (0.000000) utils/messages.c:188 messages_add_from_file: Loading Messages from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSurf\NetSurf\/messages'
    (0.000000) image/image_cache.c:378 image_cache_init: Image cache initilised with a limit of zd hysteresis of zd
    (0.000000) render/html_css_fetcher.c:64 html_css_fetcher_initialise: html_css_fetcher_initialise called for x-ns-css
    (0.000000) content/fetchers/curl.c:1285 fetch_curl_register: curl_version libcurl/7.45.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1s zlib/1.2.8 c-ares/1.10.0
    (0.046800) utils/useragent.c:68 user_agent_build_string: Built user agent "NetSurf/3.4 (windows)"
    (0.046800) content/fetchers/curl.c:1371 fetch_curl_register: cURL linked against openssl
    (0.046800) content/fetchers/curl.c:115 fetch_curl_initialise: Initialise cURL fetcher for http
    (0.046800) content/fetchers/curl.c:115 fetch_curl_initialise: Initialise cURL fetcher for https
    (0.046800) content/fetchers/data.c:65 fetch_data_initialise: fetch_data_initialise called for data
    (0.046800) content/fetchers/resource.c:294 fetch_resource_initialise: redirect url for default.css
    (0.046800) content/fetchers/resource.c:294 fetch_resource_initialise: redirect url for welcome.html
    (0.046800) content/fetchers/resource.c:294 fetch_resource_initialise: redirect url for netsurf.png
    (0.046800) content/llcache.c:3335 llcache_initialise: llcache initialising with a limit of 9437184 bytes
    (0.046800) windows/main.c:217 WinMain: calling browser_window_create
    (0.046800) javascript/duktape/dukky.c:564 js_newcontext: Creating new duktape javascript context
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1354 win32_window_create: Creating gui window for browser window 02C11200
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:136 nsws_window_create: GUI window 02C1EC88
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:148 nsws_window_create: creating window for hInstance 00400000
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETMINMAXINFO , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f99c
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCCREATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f990
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCCALCSIZE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f97c
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f600
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 148, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f5b0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 148, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f5b0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 148, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f5b0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 148, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f5b0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 148, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f5b0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 148, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f5b0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1265 nsws_window_event_callback: Unable to find gui window structure for hwnd 000A01EA
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_CREATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f990
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:77 get_window_dpi: FIX DPI 96
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NOTIFYFORMAT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xb016c, l 0x3
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_QUERYUISTATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_PARENTNOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0xb016c
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:343 get_imagelist: resource id 102, bzize 24, bcnt 5
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1072, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x15377f8
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:343 get_imagelist: resource id 103, bzize 24, bcnt 5
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1078, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x1537e08
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:343 get_imagelist: resource id 104, bzize 24, bcnt 5
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1076, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x1538418
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1054, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x14, l 0x0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1044, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x5, l 0x28fbe8
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_PARENTNOTIFY , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x5160001, l 0xb0192
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:468 nsws_window_urlbar_create: Setting font object
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_SETFONT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x280a06c7, l 0x0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:472 nsws_window_urlbar_create: Created url bar hwnd:000B0192, x:162, y:0, w:585, h:23
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_PARENTNOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x5170001, l 0xa01da
    (0.046800) windows/findfile.c:132 nsws_find_resource: looking in c:\Program Files (x86)\NetSurf\NetSurf\res\throbber.avi
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:500 nsws_window_throbber_create: setting throbber avi as windows/res/throbber.avi
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NOTIFYFORMAT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xc0170, l 0x3
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_QUERYUISTATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_PARENTNOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x5190001, l 0xc0170
    (0.046800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_NCCREATE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x28f940
    (0.046800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_NCCALCSIZE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x28f92c
    (0.046800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_CREATE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x28f940
    (0.046800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_SIZE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.046800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_MOVE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_PARENTNOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0xa01f6
    (0.046800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_SHOWWINDOW , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1395 win32_window_create: new window: main:000A01EA toolbar:000B016C statusbar 000C0170 drawingarea 000A01F6
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SHOWWINDOW , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28fd40
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28fd40
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ACTIVATEAPP , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0xcf4
    (0.046800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f680
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x2, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f980
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 145, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f980
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f918
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f918
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f918
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f918
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f918
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f918
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 641, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0xc000000f
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 642, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x2, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SETFOCUS , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f684
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f984
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 145, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f984
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f91c
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f91c
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f91c
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f91c
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f91c
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f91c
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x52010710, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x52010710, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xec010287, l 0xa01da
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28fd40
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f7d4
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCCALCSIZE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x28f924
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f5a8
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f290
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f590
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 145, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f590
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f528
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f528
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f528
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f528
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f528
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f528
    (0.062400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xbe0106b1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xbe0106b1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x52010710, l 0xa01da
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SIZE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x21e0310
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_SIZE , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x21e0310
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x28f9d0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x52010710, l 0xa01da
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x28f7b8
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_NCCALCSIZE , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x1, l 0x28f790
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CHILDACTIVATE , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xbe0106b1, l 0xa01da
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x28f7b8
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_SIZE , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x220310
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x28f1e4
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x28f1e4
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_MOVE , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x300a2
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x28efcc
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CHILDACTIVATE , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:734 win32_window_get_scroll: get scroll
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x28fb3c
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_NCCALCSIZE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x1, l 0x28fb14
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0xbe0106b1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x28fb3c
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_MOVE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x220000
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_SIZE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x1e60310
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2729, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2728, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2721, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_MOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0xc8009e
    (0.078000) desktop/browser.c:1936 browser_window_navigate: bw 02C11200, url about:welcome
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2729, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2728, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2721, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2722, l 0x4
    (0.078000) desktop/browser.c:2035 browser_window_navigate: Loading 'about:welcome'
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2729, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2728, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2721, l 0x4
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2722, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x2bc12b0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_COMMAND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x4000516, l 0xb0192
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:219 nsws_window_toolbar_command: notification_code 1024 identifier 1302 ctrl_window 000B0192
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:250 nsws_window_toolbar_command: EN_UPDATE
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_COMMAND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x3000516, l 0xb0192
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:219 nsws_window_toolbar_command: notification_code 768 identifier 1302 ctrl_window 000B0192
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:226 nsws_window_toolbar_command: EN_CHANGE
    (0.078000) windows/gui.c:59 win32_run: Starting messgae dispatcher
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x2, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SIZE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x21e0310
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_SIZE , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x21e0310
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x28fa80
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x28f868
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CHILDACTIVATE , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:734 win32_window_get_scroll: get scroll
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x28fbec
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2729, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2728, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2721, l 0x10
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 49294, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f94c
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B0192, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CTLCOLOREDIT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0xb0192
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CTLCOLOREDIT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0xb0192
    (0.078000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.078000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_KEYUP , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xd, l 0xc01c0001
    (0.124800) windows/filetype.c:35 fetch_filetype: unix path C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSurf\NetSurf\\welcome.html
    (0.140400) content/content.c:82 content__init: url file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html -> 02C5B958
    (0.140400) render/html_css.c:529 html_css_new_stylesheets: 2 fetches active
    (0.140400) render/html_css.c:556 html_css_new_stylesheets: 3 fetches active
    (0.140400) content/content.c:664 content_add_user: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html (02C5B958), user 004ACC70 02BD9490
    (0.156000) content/content.c:282 content_convert: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html (02C5B958)
    (0.156000) render/html.c:1134 html_convert: quirks set to 0
    (0.156000) render/html.c:1138 html_convert: 2 fetches active
    (0.171600) windows/filetype.c:35 fetch_filetype: unix path C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSurf\NetSurf\\default.css
    (0.171600) render/html_css.c:182 html_stylesheet_from_domnode: 3 fetches active
    (0.171600) render/html_css.c:259 html_css_process_modified_style: Updating sheet 00000000 with 02BD9898
    (0.187200) content/content.c:82 content__init: url x-ns-css:0 -> 02C78548
    (0.187200) content/content.c:664 content_add_user: content x-ns-css:0 (02C78548), user 004ACC70 02BD9898
    (0.187200) content/content.c:282 content_convert: content x-ns-css:0 (02C78548)
    (0.187200) render/html_css.c:104 html_convert_css_callback: done stylesheet slot 4 'x-ns-css:0'
    (0.187200) render/html_css.c:106 html_convert_css_callback: 2 fetches active
    (0.187200) content/content.c:82 content__init: url file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//default.css -> 040501E8
    (0.187200) content/content.c:664 content_add_user: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//default.css (040501E8), user 004ACC70 02BD95F8
    (0.187200) content/content.c:282 content_convert: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//default.css (040501E8)
    (0.187200) render/html_css.c:104 html_convert_css_callback: done stylesheet slot 0 'file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//default.css'
    (0.187200) render/html_css.c:106 html_convert_css_callback: 1 fetches active
    (0.187200) render/html_css.c:110 html_convert_css_callback: stylesheet resource:user.css failed: UnacceptableType
    (0.187200) render/html_css.c:114 html_convert_css_callback: 0 fetches active
    (0.187200) render/html.c:1191 html_begin_conversion: Completing parse
    (0.187200) render/html.c:599 html_finish_conversion: DOM to box (02C5B958)
    (0.202800) render/html_object.c:698 html_fetch_object: 1 fetches active
    (0.218400) windows/filetype.c:35 fetch_filetype: unix path C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSurf\NetSurf\\netsurf.png
    (0.234000) content/content.c:82 content__init: url file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png -> 02C9F888
    (0.234000) content/content.c:664 content_add_user: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png (02C9F888), user 004ACC70 02BD96A0
    (0.249600) content/content.c:282 content_convert: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png (02C9F888)
    (0.249600) image/image_cache.c:474 image_cache_add: centry 04058E78, content 02C9F888, bitmap 00000000
    (0.249600) windows/filetype.c:35 fetch_filetype: unix path C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSurf\NetSurf\\netsurf.png
    (0.265200) content/content.c:82 content__init: url file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png -> 04056CF8
    (0.265200) content/content.c:664 content_add_user: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png (04056CF8), user 004ACC70 02BDA4C8
    (0.280800) render/html.c:110 html_box_convert_done: Done XML to box (02C5B958)
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1460 win32_window_get_dimensions: get dimensions 02C1EC88 w=784 h=486
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1494 win32_window_set_title: 02C1EC88, title Welcome to NetSurf
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x2c496e0
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 174, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x9, l 0x0
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28eee8
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x2c63cb8
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_COMMAND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x4000516, l 0xb0192
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:219 nsws_window_toolbar_command: notification_code 1024 identifier 1302 ctrl_window 000B0192
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:250 nsws_window_toolbar_command: EN_UPDATE
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_COMMAND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x3000516, l 0xb0192
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:219 nsws_window_toolbar_command: notification_code 768 identifier 1302 ctrl_window 000B0192
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:226 nsws_window_toolbar_command: EN_CHANGE
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1494 win32_window_set_title: 02C1EC88, title Welcome to NetSurf
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x2c496e0
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 174, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x9, l 0x0
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f068
    (0.280800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x28f87c
    (0.280800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_NCCALCSIZE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x1, l 0x28f854
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xbe0106b1, l 0x0
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x93040868, l 0x0
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.280800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x3a010722, l 0x0
    (0.280800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_NCPAINT , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (0.280800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.280800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x28f87c
    (0.280800) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_SIZE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x1e602ff
    (0.280800) content/content.c:811 content_open: content 02C5B958 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html
    (0.280800) content/content.c:811 content_open: content 04056CF8 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png
    (0.280800) desktop/browser_history.c:519 browser_window_history_add: Creating thumbnail for file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html
    (0.280800) windows/bitmap.c:54 win32_bitmap_create: width 100, height 86, state 5
    (0.280800) windows/bitmap.c:98 win32_bitmap_create: bitmap 04056C90
    (0.280800) windows/bitmap.c:371 bitmap_render: bitmap 04056C90 for content 02BD9490 width 784, height 674
    (0.280800) windows/bitmap.c:54 win32_bitmap_create: width 784, height 674, state 5
    (0.280800) windows/bitmap.c:98 win32_bitmap_create: bitmap 04056CB0
    (0.280800) content/content.c:599 content_scaled_redraw: Content 02C5B958 784x674 ctx:0028F9B8
    (0.296400) content/urldb.c:3072 urldb_set_thumbnail: Setting bitmap on file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html
    (0.296400) content/content.c:282 content_convert: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png (04056CF8)
    (0.296400) image/image_cache.c:474 image_cache_add: centry 04058FC8, content 04056CF8, bitmap 00000000
    (0.296400) render/html_object.c:161 html_object_callback: 0 fetches active
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:1494 win32_window_set_title: 02C1EC88, title Welcome to NetSurf
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x2c496e0
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 174, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x9, l 0x0
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28ef78
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:1494 win32_window_set_title: 02C1EC88, title Welcome to NetSurf
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x2c496e0
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 174, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x9, l 0x0
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28ef78
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2729, l 0x10
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2728, l 0x10
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2721, l 0x10
    (0.296400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2722, l 0x4
    (0.296400) desktop/browser.c:1176 browser_window_update_favicon: fetching general favicon from 'resource:favicon.ico'
    (0.296400) windows/bitmap.c:371 bitmap_render: bitmap 04056C90 for content 02BD9490 width 784, height 674
    (0.296400) windows/bitmap.c:54 win32_bitmap_create: width 784, height 674, state 5
    (0.296400) windows/bitmap.c:98 win32_bitmap_create: bitmap 04056C70
    (0.296400) content/content.c:599 content_scaled_redraw: Content 02C5B958 784x674 ctx:0028F8E8
    (0.296400) windows/bitmap.c:54 win32_bitmap_create: width 308, height 86, state 0
    (0.296400) windows/bitmap.c:98 win32_bitmap_create: bitmap 02C6E1B8
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:1494 win32_window_set_title: 02C1EC88, title Welcome to NetSurf
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x2c496e0
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 174, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x9, l 0x0
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f228
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f94c
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CTLCOLOREDIT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0xb0192
    (0.312000) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CTLCOLOREDIT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0xb0192
    (0.312000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.390000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x2, l 0x0
    (0.390000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (0.390000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_GETICON , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (5.054400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_PARENTNOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x201, l 0x19701b4
    (5.054400) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_MOUSEACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0xa01ea, l 0x2010001
    (5.054400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_MOUSEACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xa01ea, l 0x2010001
    (5.054400) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_LBUTTONDOWN , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x1, l 0x17501b4
    (5.054400) windows/drawable.c:418 nsws_drawable_mousedown: mouse click bw 02C11200, state 1, x 436.000000, y 373.000000
    (5.054400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_KILLFOCUS , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xa01f6, l 0x0
    (5.054400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 641, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0xc000000f
    (5.054400) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: 641, hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x1, l 0xc000000f
    (5.054400) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_SETFOCUS , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0xa01ea, l 0x0
    (5.132400) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_LBUTTONUP , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x17501b5
    (5.132400) windows/drawable.c:360 nsws_drawable_mouseup: state 0x1, press 0x1
    (5.132400) windows/drawable.c:374 nsws_drawable_mouseup: mouse click bw 02C11200, state 0x4, x 437.000000, y 373.000000
    (5.132400) render/html.c:89 fire_dom_event: Dispatching 'click' against 04047810
    (5.132400) desktop/browser.c:1936 browser_window_navigate: bw 02C11200, url http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x2c63cb8
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_COMMAND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x4000516, l 0xb0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:219 nsws_window_toolbar_command: notification_code 1024 identifier 1302 ctrl_window 000B0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:250 nsws_window_toolbar_command: EN_UPDATE
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_COMMAND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x3000516, l 0xb0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:219 nsws_window_toolbar_command: notification_code 768 identifier 1302 ctrl_window 000B0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:226 nsws_window_toolbar_command: EN_CHANGE
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2729, l 0x10
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2728, l 0x10
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2721, l 0x10
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2722, l 0x4
    (5.132400) desktop/browser.c:2035 browser_window_navigate: Loading 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'
    (5.132400) content/llcache.c:1355 llcache_process_metadata: Retriving metadata
    (5.132400) content/fetchers/curl.c:280 fetch_curl_setup: fetch 02C24298, url 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2729, l 0x10
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2728, l 0x10
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2721, l 0x4
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2722, l 0x10
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_SETTEXT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x4048730
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_COMMAND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x4000516, l 0xb0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:219 nsws_window_toolbar_command: notification_code 1024 identifier 1302 ctrl_window 000B0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:250 nsws_window_toolbar_command: EN_UPDATE
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_COMMAND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x3000516, l 0xb0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:219 nsws_window_toolbar_command: notification_code 768 identifier 1302 ctrl_window 000B0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:226 nsws_window_toolbar_command: EN_CHANGE
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xec010287, l 0x0
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f94c
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CTLCOLOREDIT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0xb0192
    (5.132400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_CTLCOLOREDIT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xec010287, l 0xb0192
    (5.257200) content/fetchers/curl.c:834 fetch_curl_done: done http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
    (5.257200) content/fetchers/curl.c:767 fetch_curl_process_headers: HTTP status code 301
    (5.257200) content/fetchers/curl.c:778 fetch_curl_process_headers: FETCH_REDIRECT, 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'
    (5.257200) content/fetchers/curl.c:679 fetch_curl_abort: fetch 02C24298, url 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'
    (5.257200) content/llcache.c:1355 llcache_process_metadata: Retriving metadata
    (5.257200) content/fetchers/curl.c:280 fetch_curl_setup: fetch 02C9FCD0, url 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'
    (5.257200) content/fetchers/curl.c:699 fetch_curl_stop: fetch 02C24298, url 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'
    (6.006000) content/fetchers/curl.c:834 fetch_curl_done: done https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
    (6.006000) content/fetchers/curl.c:699 fetch_curl_stop: fetch 02C9FCD0, url 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x901dc
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d4d4
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d7d4
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 145, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d7d4
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d76c
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d76c
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d76c
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d76c
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d76c
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d76c
    (6.006000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x901dc
    (6.006000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_KILLFOCUS , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x601d4, l 0x0
    (6.006000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: 641, hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0xc000000f
    (6.006000) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: 642, hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (6.429400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xe, l 0x9603ac
    (6.429400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xe, l 0x9703ac
    (6.429400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xe, l 0x9803ab
    (6.459400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xe, l 0x9803aa
    (6.459400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xe, l 0x9a03a8
    (6.489400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xe, l 0x9b03a8
    (6.499400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xe, l 0x9c03a7
    (6.519400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xe, l 0x9c03a6
    (6.529400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0x9e03a5
    (6.549400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0x9e03a4
    (6.559400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xa3039e
    (6.579400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xa6039a
    (6.579400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x5, l 0xbd037f
    (6.609400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x5, l 0xc50376
    (6.619400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSELEAVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (7.326400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28de50
    (7.326400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28de50
    (7.326400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d8e4
    (7.326400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ACTIVATEAPP , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (7.326400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (7.326400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28d790
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28da90
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 145, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28da90
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28da28
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28da28
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28da28
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28da28
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28da28
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28da28
    (7.327400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (7.328400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 641, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0xc000000f
    (7.328400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 642, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x2, l 0x0
    (7.328400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SETFOCUS , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (7.328400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2729, l 0x10
    (7.328400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2728, l 0x10
    (7.328400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2721, l 0x10
    (7.329400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: 1041, hwnd 000B016C, w 0x2722, l 0x4
    (7.329400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_PAINT , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (7.329400) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000B016C, w 0xbe0106b1, l 0x0
    (7.329400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ERASEBKGND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xbe0106b1, l 0x0
    (7.330400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NOTIFY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f94c
    (7.654800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x5, l 0xbc038f
    (7.670400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x5, l 0xb70393
    (7.686000) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xae0398
    (7.717200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xad0399
    (7.717200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xaa039b
    (7.748400) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xa9039b
    (8.091600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xa8039b
    (8.107200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCMOUSEMOVE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xa7039b
    (8.122800) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x14, l 0xa7039b
    (8.169600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_CAPTURECHANGED , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.169600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_SYSCOMMAND , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0xf060, l 0xa7039b
    (8.169600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_CLOSE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.169600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 144, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.169600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f4ec
    (8.169600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f4ec
    (8.169600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.169600) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28ee2c
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 147, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f12c
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 145, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f12c
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f0c4
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f0c4
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f0c4
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f0c4
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f0c4
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 146, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x28f0c4
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ACTIVATE , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_ACTIVATEAPP , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0xcf4
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_KILLFOCUS , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 641, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0xc000000f
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: 642, hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x1, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_DESTROY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_DESTROY , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_DESTROY , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_GETFONT , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:397 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: Destroyed font object
    (8.185200) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_DESTROY , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:379 nsws_window_urlbar_callback: WM_NCDESTROY , hwnd 000B0192, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:281 nsws_window_toolbar_callback: WM_NCDESTROY , hwnd 000B016C, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/drawable.c:494 nsws_window_drawable_event_callback: WM_NCDESTROY , hwnd 000A01F6, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) windows/window.c:1245 nsws_window_event_callback: WM_NCDESTROY , hwnd 000A01EA, w 0x0, l 0x0
    (8.185200) desktop/browser.c:1746 browser_window_destroy_internal: Destroying window
    (8.185200) desktop/browser.c:1766 browser_window_destroy_internal: Clearing schedule 005680A0(02C1EC88)
    (8.185200) content/content.c:827 content_close: content 02C5B958 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html
    (8.185200) content/content.c:827 content_close: content 04056CF8 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png
    (8.185200) content/content.c:693 content_remove_user: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html (02C5B958), user 004ACC70 02BD9490
    (8.185200) javascript/duktape/dukky.c:587 js_destroycontext: Destroying duktape javascript context
    (8.185200) desktop/browser.c:1844 browser_window_destroy_internal: Status text cache match:miss 189:22
    (8.185200) desktop/netsurf.c:246 netsurf_exit: Closing GUI
    (8.185200) desktop/netsurf.c:249 netsurf_exit: Finalising JavaScript
    (8.185200) desktop/netsurf.c:252 netsurf_exit: Finalising Web Search
    (8.185200) desktop/netsurf.c:255 netsurf_exit: Finalising high-level cache
    (8.185200) content/hlcache.c:565 hlcache_finalise: 5 contents remain before cache drain
    (8.185200) content/content.c:386 content_destroy: content 02C5B958 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//welcome.html
    (8.185200) render/html.c:1513 html_destroy: content 02C5B958
    (8.185200) render/form.c:221 form_free_control: Control:040485E0 name:040611D8 value:04061208 initial:040611F8
    (8.185200) render/form.c:221 form_free_control: Control:040486A0 name:04061228 value:02BDA768 initial:00000000
    (8.185200) content/content.c:693 content_remove_user: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//default.css (040501E8), user 004ACC70 02BD95F8
    (8.185200) content/content.c:693 content_remove_user: content x-ns-css:0 (02C78548), user 004ACC70 02BD9898
    (8.185200) render/html_object.c:636 html_object_free_objects: object 02BDA4C8
    (8.185200) content/content.c:693 content_remove_user: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png (04056CF8), user 004ACC70 02BDA4C8
    (8.185200) render/html_object.c:636 html_object_free_objects: object 02BD96A0
    (8.185200) content/content.c:693 content_remove_user: content file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png (02C9F888), user 004ACC70 02BD96A0
    (8.185200) content/content.c:386 content_destroy: content 04056CF8 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png
    (8.185200) content/content.c:386 content_destroy: content 02C9F888 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//netsurf.png
    (8.185200) content/content.c:386 content_destroy: content 040501E8 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/NetSurf/NetSurf//default.css
    (8.185200) content/content.c:386 content_destroy: content 02C78548 x-ns-css:0
    (8.185200) content/hlcache.c:579 hlcache_finalise: 0 contents remaining:
    (8.185200) content/hlcache.c:614 hlcache_finalise: hit/miss 0/5
    (8.185200) content/hlcache.c:619 hlcache_finalise: Finalising low-level cache
    (8.185200) content/llcache.c:3401 llcache_finalise: Backing store wrote 0 bytes in 0 ms (average 0 bytes/second)
    (8.185200) desktop/netsurf.c:258 netsurf_exit: Closing fetches
    (8.185200) render/html_css_fetcher.c:70 html_css_fetcher_finalise: html_css_fetcher_finalise called for x-ns-css
    (8.185200) content/fetchers/curl.c:131 fetch_curl_finalise: Finalise cURL fetcher http
    (8.185200) content/fetchers/curl.c:131 fetch_curl_finalise: Finalise cURL fetcher https
    (8.185200) content/fetchers/curl.c:135 fetch_curl_finalise: All cURL fetchers finalised, closing down cURL
    (8.216400) content/fetchers/data.c:74 fetch_data_finalise: fetch_data_finalise called for data
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:391 image_cache_fini: Size at finish zd (in 0)
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:401 image_cache_fini: Age 0s
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:403 image_cache_fini: Peak size zd (in 105952)
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:405 image_cache_fini: Peak image count 1 (size zd)
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:421 image_cache_fini: Cache total/hit/miss/fail (counts) 2/1/1/0 (100%/50%/50%/0%)
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:429 image_cache_fini: Cache total/hit/miss/fail (size) 211904/105952/105952/0 (100%/50%/50%/0%)
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:434 image_cache_fini: Total images never rendered: 1 (includes 0 that were converted)
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:438 image_cache_fini: Total number of excessive conversions: 0 (from 0 images converted more than once)
    (8.216400) image/image_cache.c:442 image_cache_fini: Bitmap of size 105952 had most (1) conversions
    (8.216400) desktop/netsurf.c:269 netsurf_exit: Closing utf8
    (8.216400) desktop/netsurf.c:272 netsurf_exit: Destroying URLdb
    (8.216400) desktop/netsurf.c:275 netsurf_exit: Destroying System colours
    (8.216400) desktop/netsurf.c:279 netsurf_exit: Remaining lwc strings:
    (8.216400) desktop/netsurf.c:282 netsurf_exit: Exited successfully
    ? file icon out (54,716 bytes) 2016-03-16 21:42 +


Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

looks like any https url causes curl to immediately stop navigation
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

Caused because curl on windows has no compiled in certificate bundle

Updated build to provide and use a certificate bundle with the install

Verified correct navigation to https sites.
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

confirmed resolved in 3.5

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-03-16 21:42 Vincent Sanders New Issue
2016-03-16 21:42 Vincent Sanders Status new => assigned
2016-03-16 21:42 Vincent Sanders Assigned To => Vincent Sanders
2016-03-16 21:42 Vincent Sanders File Added: out
2016-03-16 21:55 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0001353
2016-03-16 21:55 Vincent Sanders Status assigned => confirmed
2016-03-20 10:35 Vincent Sanders Fixed in CI build # => 3446
2016-03-20 10:35 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0001354
2016-03-20 10:35 Vincent Sanders Status confirmed => resolved
2016-03-20 10:35 Vincent Sanders Resolution open => fixed
2016-03-20 10:35 Vincent Sanders Platform pc => x86
2016-03-20 10:35 Vincent Sanders Fixed in Version => 3.5
2016-04-12 11:45 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0001367
2016-04-12 11:45 Vincent Sanders Status resolved => closed
+Issue History