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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002441NetSurfRISC OS-specificpublic2016-04-12 11:46
ReporterDave Higton 
Assigned ToDave Higton 
Product Version3.4 
Target Version3.5Fixed in Version3.5 
Summary0002441: Checks for five of the supplied relocatable modules are out of date
DescriptionSeveral relocatable modules are distributed with the RISC OS version. The !Run file checks for their presence and version number. However, if the check fails, the user is referred to dead links. Instead s/he should be requested to update the computer's !System folder from the NS archive, using the Configure app.

The tests have been out of date for yonks.
Steps To ReproduceNormally you'd have to edit the module version numbers in the !Run file.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #3438
Reported in CI build #3433
URL of problem page
Attached Files
  • ? file icon !Run (5,235 bytes) 2016-03-11 14:18 -
    | Run file for NetSurf. ( $Revision$ )
    | This file ensures that the system resources required by NetSurf are 
    | present. Additionally, it forces setting of system variables related
    | to NetSurf.
    | Set system variables and application sprites
    Set NetSurf$ForceVars 1
    UnSet NetSurf$ForceVars
    | Configure logging.  Set 1 to enable, or 0 to suppress.
    Set NetSurf$Logging 1
    | Detect if NetSurf is already running and, if so, force the 
    | current instance to open a new window. Then stop this script.
    Set Alias$NetSurfRunning UnSet Alias$NetSurfRunning|mUnSet NetSurf$Running|mObey
    Set NetSurf$Running 0
    WimpSlot -min 64k -max 64k
    | If not running, then unset system variables and continue
    If "<NetSurf$Running>" = "0" Then Set Alias$NetSurfRunning UnSet Alias$NetSurfRunning|mUnSet NetSurf$Running
    | Invoke our alias to clean up
    | Resource Locations
    | The following are read-only locations
    SetMacro NetSurf$Path        Choices:WWW.NetSurf.,<NetSurf$Dir>.
    | The following are write-only locations
    SetMacro NetSurf$ChoicesSave <Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.Choices
    | We need RISC OS 3
    RMEnsure UtilityModule 3.00 Error NetSurf needs RISC OS 3 or later
    | Ensure Nested WIMP is installed
    | http://acorn.riscos.com/ (in the universal boot archive)
    RMEnsure WindowManager 3.80 Error NetSurf requires the Nested Window Manager. This can be obtained by downloading the Universal Boot sequence from http://acorn.riscos.com/
    | Check for various key resources - can't do much if they don't exist
    If "<System$Path>" = "" Then Set System$Path_Message System resources not found.
    If "<Wimp$ScrapDir>" = "" Then Error Scrap resource not found.
    If "<InetDBase$Path>" = "" Then Error Internet resources can not be found
    If "<Unicode$Path>" = "" Then Error NetSurf requires the !Unicode resource. This can be found, along with the Iconv module, at http://www.netsurf-browser.org/projects/iconv/
    If "<Inet$MimeMappings>" = "" Then Set Inet$MimeMappings InetDBase:MimeMap
    | Define this alias for clarity
    | Syntax: NetSurfRMLoad <Path to module>
    Set Alias$NetSurfRMLoad IfThere %%*0 Then RMLoad %%*0
    | Ensure a 32bit SharedCLibrary is installed
    | (5.17 == first 32bit SCL, 5.43 == C99 features)
    RMEnsure SharedCLibrary 5.17 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.CLib
    RMEnsure SharedCLibrary 5.43 Error NetSurf requires SharedCLibrary 5.43 or later. This can be downloaded from https://www.riscosopen.org/content/downloads/common
    | Ensure CallASWI is installed
    RMEnsure UtilityModule 3.70 RMEnsure CallASWI 0.02 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.CallASWI
    RMEnsure UtilityModule 3.70 RMEnsure CallASWI 0.02 Error NetSurf requires the CallASWI module. This can be downloaded from https://www.riscosopen.org/content/downloads/common
    | Ensure DrawFile module is installed
    | Should be installed in !System.310.Modules
    RMEnsure DrawFile 1.30 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.DrawFile
    RMEnsure DrawFile 1.30 Error NetSurf requires the DrawFile module. This can be downloaded from https://www.riscosopen.org/content/downloads/common
    | Ensure SharedUnixLibrary is installed
    RMEnsure SharedUnixLibrary 1.07 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.SharedULib
    RMEnsure SharedUnixLibrary 1.07 Error NetSurf requires SharedUnixLibrary 1.07 or later. Please use the RISC OS Configure app to update the computer's !System directory from the NetSurf archive.
    | Load AcornURI if it isn't already
    Unset NetSurf$Start_URI_Handler
    RMEnsure AcornURI 0.12 Set NetSurf$Start_URI_Handler 1
    RMEnsure AcornURI 0.12 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.Network.URI
    RMEnsure AcornURI 0.12 Error NetSurf requires AcornURI 0.12 or later. Please use the RISC OS Configure app to update the computer's !System directory from the NetSurf archive.
    RMEnsure AcornURI 0.12 Unset NetSurf$Start_URI_Handler
    | Check for mime map module
    RMEnsure MimeMap 0.10 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.Network.MimeMap
    RMEnsure MimeMap 0.10 Error NetSurf requires MimeMap 0.10 or later
    | Ensure Tinct is loaded
    RMEnsure Tinct 0.13 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.Tinct
    RMEnsure Tinct 0.13 Error NetSurf requires Tinct 0.13 or later. Please use the RISC OS Configure app to update the computer's !System directory from the NetSurf archive.
    | Ensure Iconv
    RMEnsure Iconv 0.12 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.Iconv
    RMEnsure Iconv 0.12 Error NetSurf requires Iconv 0.12 or later. Please use the RISC OS Configure app to update the computer's !System directory from the NetSurf archive.
    | Ensure CryptRandom
    RMEnsure CryptRandom 0.13 NetSurfRMLoad System:Modules.CryptRand
    RMEnsure CryptRandom 0.13 Error NetSurf requires CryptRandom 0.13 or later.  Please use the RISC OS Configure app to update the computer's !System directory from the NetSurf archive.
    | Disable SpecialFX, if present
    Set NetSurf$SpecialFX 1
    RMEnsure SpecialFX 1.00 Set NetSurf$SpecialFX 0
    If <NetSurf$SpecialFX> Then SpecialFX ~B~G~L NetSurf
    Unset NetSurf$SpecialFX
    | No longer need this alias
    Unset Alias$NetSurfRMLoad
    | Now attempt to create Scrap directories
    CDir <Wimp$ScrapDir>.WWW
    CDir <Wimp$ScrapDir>.WWW.NetSurf
    | Install NetSurf-specific fonts
    | NB: trailing dot is required
    FontInstall NetSurf:Resources.Fonts.
    WimpSlot -min 7279k -max 7279k
    Run <NetSurf$Dir>.!RunImage %*0 2><Wimp$ScrapDir>.WWW.NetSurf.Log
    ? file icon !Run (5,235 bytes) 2016-03-11 14:18 +


Dave Higton


Dave Higton (developer)

The attached !Run file is my suggested fix
Dave Higton


Dave Higton (developer)

I've replaced the attached !Run file with an updated one following Sprow's review.
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

updated riscos/scripts/Run template with changes
Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

confirmed resolved in 3.5

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-03-10 22:26 Dave Higton New Issue
2016-03-10 22:28 Dave Higton File Added: !Run
2016-03-10 22:29 Dave Higton Note Added: 0001347
2016-03-11 14:18 Dave Higton File Deleted: !Run
2016-03-11 14:18 Dave Higton File Added: !Run
2016-03-11 14:19 Dave Higton Note Added: 0001348
2016-03-11 14:19 Dave Higton Assigned To => Dave Higton
2016-03-11 14:19 Dave Higton Status new => assigned
2016-03-14 15:28 Vincent Sanders Fixed in CI build # => 3438
2016-03-14 15:28 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0001349
2016-03-14 15:28 Vincent Sanders Status assigned => resolved
2016-03-14 15:28 Vincent Sanders Resolution open => fixed
2016-03-14 15:28 Vincent Sanders Product Version => 3.4
2016-03-14 15:28 Vincent Sanders Fixed in Version => 3.5
2016-03-14 15:28 Vincent Sanders Target Version => 3.5
2016-03-14 15:28 Vincent Sanders Description Updated View Revisions
2016-04-12 11:46 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0001369
2016-04-12 11:46 Vincent Sanders Status resolved => closed
+Issue History