2025-02-15 23:56 UTC

View Issue Details Jump to Notes ]
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002594NetSurfLayoutpublic2018-07-29 10:16
ReporterJim Nagel 
Assigned To 
PlatformallOSOS Version
Product Version3.7 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002594: linebreak at "<" or ">" is wrong
DescriptionLines of text in a displayed page should break only at wordspace or Return (and maybe a very few other points), NOT when an HTML tag happens to occur in the middle of a word. Two awful errors are a linebreak before or after the apostrophe in a word such as "author’s" or in the likes of "x<sup>2</sup>+3y"
Additional InformationThis fluke has existed for years in previous versions of NetSurf.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #4316
URL of problem page
Attached Files

duplicate of 0000467confirmed Word wrap error 

Vincent Sanders


Vincent Sanders (administrator)

all line breaking bug reports have been consolidated into issue 467

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-04-15 19:03 Jim Nagel New Issue
2018-04-21 08:19 Michael Drake Status new => acknowledged
2018-04-21 08:19 Michael Drake Category General => Layout
2018-04-21 08:19 Michael Drake OS RiscOS =>
2018-04-21 08:19 Michael Drake OS Version 5.23, 5.22, 4.39 =>
2018-04-21 08:19 Michael Drake Description Updated View Revisions
2018-07-29 10:12 Vincent Sanders Relationship added duplicate of 0000467
2018-07-29 10:16 Vincent Sanders Status acknowledged => closed
2018-07-29 10:16 Vincent Sanders Note Added: 0001789
+Issue History