MantisBT - LibCSS
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0002859LibCSSLibCSSpublic2023-08-29 13:142023-08-29 13:14
ReporterMichael Orlitzky 
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Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
Summary0002859: Add support for properties parsed by libsvgtiny
Descriptionlibsvgtiny is able to parse inline style declarations containing "fill", "stroke" and "stroke-width" properties but it does not yet support <style> elements.

Adding <style> support with libcss is not too difficult, but libcss doesn't know about most of the properties and values that can appear in an SVG. There's a big list of them in the spec, but for libsvgtiny, the important ones are those that italready understands: "fill", "stroke" and "stroke-width". If libcss were able to parse those, it would be possible to add <style> support to libsvgtiny in a backwards-compatible way.
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Issue History
2023-08-29 13:14Michael OrlitzkyNew Issue