MantisBT - NetSurf
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0002853NetSurfLayoutpublic2023-03-26 20:292023-08-27 18:32
ReporterDave Higton 
Assigned To 
PlatformRaspberry Pi 3B+OSRISC OSOS Version5.29
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #5433
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Summary0002853: CleanTechnica layout issue
Description should display with one image for each article, all aligned vertically. What actually happens is that the first image is correctly aligned, but all the rest in the page are shifted off to the right so that only a small strip is visible. Stretching the window size does not help - the images move so that only the same small strip is visible. Redrawing the window doesn't help. It has been like this as long as I can remember, i.e. it's not a new issue.
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Dave Higton   
2023-08-27 18:32   
For what it's worth, the issue is still present in 5442.

Issue History
2023-03-26 20:29Dave HigtonNew Issue
2023-08-27 18:32Dave HigtonNote Added: 0002425