MantisBT - NetSurf
View Issue Details
0002705NetSurfLayoutpublic2019-10-02 18:412020-02-01 05:16
ReporterHarriet Bazley 
Assigned ToMichael Drake 
PlatformIyonixOSRISC OSOS Version5.22
Product Version3.10 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #4855
URL of problem page
Summary0002705: Text appears compressed into left-hand column
DescriptionWhen viewing the page from "Prologue" magazine, the entire page content is compressed within the left-hand navigation column. First observed in Netsurf v4760, and still present when I upgarded to v4855
Steps To ReproduceDisplay page.
Additional InformationThe same page renders full width using the old Netsurf version 4538 on the ARMinix platform.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg 4855.jpg (60,832) 2019-10-02 18:41

jpg 4358.jpg (114,994) 2019-10-02 18:44

Harriet Bazley   
2019-10-02 18:44   
Screenshot from Netsurf v4358
Vincent Sanders   
2019-10-15 13:51   
run on gtk and can confirm it is the same with and without javascript enabled so probably CSS

$ ./nsgtk
(0.000000) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval ( preventsyield
(0.053627) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: TypeError: cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:57263) internal
    at [anon] (
    at [anon] (
    at [anon] (
    at eval ( preventsyield
(0.060182) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval ( preventsyield
(0.061082) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval (?inline script?:1) preventsyield
(0.162106) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval ( preventsyield
(0.164001) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: SyntaxError: source decode failed (line 1)
    at [anon] ( internal
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:82604) internal
(0.195151) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: TypeError: cannot read property 'firstChild' of null
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:57263) internal
    at [anon] (
    at [anon] (
    at [anon] ( preventsyield
(0.745794) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: TypeError: cannot read property 'search' of undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:57263) internal
    at [anon] (
    at [anon] (
    at t (
    at [anon] (
    at [anon] (
    at t (
    at [anon] (
    at t ( tailcall
    at eval ( preventsyield
(0.869351) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval ( preventsyield
(0.887736) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval ( preventsyield
(0.887943) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval (?inline script?:8) preventsyield
(0.902174) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval ( preventsyield
(0.908683) [WARN jserrors] content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c:758 dukky_dump_error: Uncaught error in JS: ReferenceError: identifier 'jQuery' undefined
    at [anon] (content/handlers/javascript/duktape/duktape.c:81732) internal
    at eval ( preventsyield

Issue History
2019-10-02 18:41Harriet BazleyNew Issue
2019-10-02 18:41Harriet BazleyFile Added: 4855.jpg
2019-10-02 18:44Harriet BazleyFile Added: 4358.jpg
2019-10-02 18:44Harriet BazleyNote Added: 0002100
2019-10-15 13:51Vincent SandersNote Added: 0002103
2019-10-15 13:51Vincent SandersStatusnew => confirmed
2019-10-15 13:51Vincent SandersProduct Version => 3.10
2019-11-29 20:15kinnisonAssigned To => Michael Drake
2019-11-29 20:15kinnisonStatusconfirmed => assigned