MantisBT - NetSurf
View Issue Details
0002690NetSurfLayoutpublic2019-08-06 08:212020-05-27 08:13
ReporterMichael Drake 
Assigned ToMichael Drake 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityunable to reproduce
PlatformAnyOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version3.10Fixed in Version3.10 
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
URL of problem page
Summary0002690: Animated GIF causes box_coords to explode
Descriptionbox_coords walks up the box tree to find the absolute position of the box.

If we hit a float box, we expect to find a box with it's float_children set.

If not, the box tree is broken.

Daniel observed this happening on the 500 sites test run.

The problem is not easily reproducible.
Steps To ReproduceVisit

Although, when I load it, I don't even get the animated GIF throbbers that Daniel gets when he loads it.
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Michael Drake   
2019-08-06 08:23   
This change may or may not help:

Either way, it's generally more optimal.
Michael Drake   
2019-08-06 08:26   

Neither float_children or float_container are assigned until layout.

However, it doesn't make sense to call box_coords on something before layout has happened.
Michael Drake   
2019-08-06 08:27   

We don't set float_children or float_container until layout because layout is the first pass over the box tree that works out which boxes will establish a new block formatting context.
Michael Drake   
2019-08-06 08:43   
Potentially fixed by:
Vincent Sanders   
2020-05-27 08:13   
Thankyou for reporting this issue.
We believe this is fixed in the 3.10 release.
If this is not the case please feel free to reopen the issue with additional details.

Issue History
2019-08-06 08:21Michael DrakeNew Issue
2019-08-06 08:23Michael DrakeNote Added: 0002066
2019-08-06 08:26Michael DrakeNote Added: 0002067
2019-08-06 08:27Michael DrakeNote Added: 0002068
2019-08-06 08:43Michael DrakeNote Added: 0002069
2019-08-06 09:14Michael DrakeStatusnew => acknowledged
2020-02-21 10:17Michael DrakeAssigned To => Michael Drake
2020-02-21 10:17Michael DrakeReproducibilityhave not tried => unable to reproduce
2020-02-21 10:17Michael DrakeStatusacknowledged => resolved
2020-02-21 10:17Michael DrakeResolutionopen => fixed
2020-02-21 10:17Michael DrakeFixed in Version => 3.10
2020-05-27 08:13Vincent SandersStatusresolved => closed
2020-05-27 08:13Vincent SandersNote Added: 0002227