MantisBT - NetSurf
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0002595NetSurf[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-04-30 08:562022-04-14 15:27
Assigned ToVincent Sanders 
PlatformlinuxOSfedoraOS Version27
Product Version2.0 
Target VersionFixed in Version3.9 
Fixed in CI build #4560
Reported in CI build #
URL of problem page
Summary0002595: form submit with <button> does not send its name/value in form POST
DescriptionThis works:

<form method="post">
    <input type="submit" name="button" value="Button">

This does not:

<form method="post">
    <button name="button" value="Button">Button</button>

According to HTML 4 (as far as I understand it) requires also <button> to send its name/value on form submit:

See "URL of problem page" for a link to an example.
Steps To Reproduce- create a HTML form with button
- submit it
- name/value not available as "POST parameters" on server
Additional InformationNetSurf 3.8 (Dev) compiled on 2018-04-29
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files

jelina den   
2018-11-02 19:36
Jonathon Coleman   
2018-12-20 12:21
Vincent Sanders   
2019-02-22 21:17   
our processing of the button type attribute was incorrect according to

fixed, thanks for the report
Vincent Sanders   
2019-07-19 09:32   
we believe this issue has been resolved in NetSurf 3.9

Issue History
2018-04-30 08:56fkoomanNew Issue
2018-07-20 16:11Michael DrakeStatusnew => acknowledged
2018-11-02 19:36jelina denNote Added: 0001855
2018-12-20 12:21Jonathon ColemanNote Added: 0001870
2019-02-22 21:17Vincent SandersAssigned To => Vincent Sanders
2019-02-22 21:17Vincent SandersSeverityminor => major
2019-02-22 21:17Vincent SandersStatusacknowledged => resolved
2019-02-22 21:17Vincent SandersResolutionopen => fixed
2019-02-22 21:17Vincent SandersProduct Version => 2.0
2019-02-22 21:17Vincent SandersFixed in Version => 3.9
2019-02-22 21:17Vincent SandersFixed in CI build # => 4560
2019-02-22 21:17Vincent SandersNote Added: 0001893
2019-07-19 09:32Vincent SandersStatusresolved => closed
2019-07-19 09:32Vincent SandersNote Added: 0002018
2020-02-21 15:52Horea KaiiTag Attached:
2020-02-21 15:52Horea KaiiTag Detached:
2021-08-10 10:09JennyTag Attached: HTMLUnknownElement
2021-08-10 10:09JennyTag Attached:
2021-08-10 10:09JennyTag Detached: HTMLUnknownElement
2021-08-10 10:09JennyTag Detached: