MantisBT - NetSurf
View Issue Details
0002382NetSurfJavascriptpublic2015-11-05 21:062017-05-08 23:08
ReporterChris Young 
Assigned ToChris Young 
StatusclosedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformAmigaOSAmigaOSOS Version4.1
Product Version3.4 
Target Version4.0Fixed in Version3.7 
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #3049
URL of problem page
Summary0002382: Urban Dictionary curiously blank
DescriptionThe Urban Dictionary shows up with a couple of bars across the top and the rest of the page completely blank (see screenshot).
Steps To ReproduceVisit
Additional InformationThis happens on all pages of the site no matter whether Javascript is enabled or not.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg urban.jpg (72,534) 2015-11-05 21:06

log ns.log (94,267) 2015-11-05 21:06

Vincent Sanders   
2015-11-06 10:11   
The site heavily relies upon jsquery javascript to do many unsupported operations
Chris Young   
2017-05-08 23:08   
No longer blank so I don't think it's worth holding this open as there is no further information beyond unsupported Javascript.

Issue History
2015-11-05 21:06Chris YoungNew Issue
2015-11-05 21:06Chris YoungFile Added: urban.jpg
2015-11-05 21:06Chris YoungFile Added: ns.log
2015-11-05 21:07Chris YoungAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1674#r1674
2015-11-06 10:11Vincent SandersNote Added: 0001033
2015-11-06 10:11Vincent SandersStatusnew => confirmed
2015-11-06 10:11Vincent SandersCategoryLayout => Javascript
2016-02-09 11:04Michael DrakeTarget Version3.4 => 4.0
2017-05-08 23:08Chris YoungAssigned To => Chris Young
2017-05-08 23:08Chris YoungStatusconfirmed => closed
2017-05-08 23:08Chris YoungResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2017-05-08 23:08Chris YoungFixed in Version => 3.7
2017-05-08 23:08Chris YoungNote Added: 0001559