MantisBT - NetSurf
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0002343NetSurf[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-08-10 22:432016-02-16 14:07
ReporterHarriet Bazley 
Assigned Tokinnison 
PlatformARMOSRISC OSOS Version5.19
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version3.4 
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #2875
URL of problem page
Summary0002343: Netsurf isn't saving JavaScript status
DescriptionAs of my most recent download (v2875) Netsurf no longer seems to be saving the JavaScript on/off state to its Choices file. Altering the state of the 'Hide advertisements icon, for example, alters the content of the file saved: selecting 'Disable JavaScript' only affects the current session and the status is not saved to disc on exit.

The effect is that Netsurf repeatedly defaults without warning to JavaScript-enabled status, causing pages to hang....
Steps To ReproduceOpen configuration window. Select Content->Content blocking->Disable JavaScript
Quit Netsurf.

Reload. Icon is no longer selected. Inspection of <Choices$Write>.WWW.NetSurf.Choices shows no configuration line has been written to file.
Additional InformationNetsurf v2875, RISC OS 5.21, ARMini.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files

2015-08-11 10:16   
Yep, this is currently the behaviour we expect. We're testing a new JS implementation and part of this involves forcing it on all the time.

We'll turn it back to choices-controlled when we're back to feature parity. For now, you can simply turn JS off every time you load the browser instead.
Harriet Bazley   
2015-08-11 13:18   
This is a bit complicated for my mother, I'm afraid ("The browser isn't working!")

The safest thing to do is probably to revert to an earlier version for the moment.
2015-08-11 13:33   
Aye, sorry, but CI releases are not meant for non-technical users anyway, since it's quite hard to get good bug reports out of them :-)

I hope to be in a position to disable the 'force-on' fairly soon, but it's a long slog back to feature parity with our JSAPI implementation.
2015-08-11 14:15   
Oh, as an additional comment, I'd love some examples of pages which hang with JS on, so I can start to debug why :-)
Harriet Bazley   
2015-08-12 08:59   
This is the last one we encountered:
Dave Higton   
2015-11-02 22:45   
The URL cited by Harriet does not hang with JS on, in CI#3046. If it appeared to do so before, this is probably another manifestation of the slow regex interpreter that was fixed recently.

Harriet Bazley   
2015-11-03 00:26   
Yes, this is the same bug that was fixed for that site as 2364/2366.
Dave Higton   
2016-02-04 22:08   
This has been fixed as of quite a few versions ago, getting ready for another release.
Vincent Sanders   
2016-02-16 14:06   
Confirmed fixed in 3.4 release

Issue History
2015-08-10 22:43Harriet BazleyNew Issue
2015-08-11 10:16kinnisonNote Added: 0000883
2015-08-11 10:16kinnisonAssigned To => kinnison
2015-08-11 10:16kinnisonStatusnew => confirmed
2015-08-11 10:16kinnisonCategoryRISC OS-specific => General
2015-08-11 10:16kinnisonDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1513#r1513
2015-08-11 10:16kinnisonSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1515#r1515
2015-08-11 13:18Harriet BazleyNote Added: 0000885
2015-08-11 13:33kinnisonNote Added: 0000886
2015-08-11 14:15kinnisonNote Added: 0000887
2015-08-12 08:59Harriet BazleyNote Added: 0000890
2015-11-02 22:45Dave HigtonNote Added: 0001021
2015-11-02 22:45Dave HigtonNote Edited: 0001021bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=1021#r1656
2015-11-03 00:26Harriet BazleyNote Added: 0001022
2016-02-04 22:08Dave HigtonNote Added: 0001189
2016-02-04 22:08Dave HigtonStatusconfirmed => resolved
2016-02-04 22:08Dave HigtonResolutionopen => fixed
2016-02-04 22:08Dave HigtonDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1766#r1766
2016-02-04 22:08Dave HigtonSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1767#r1767
2016-02-16 14:06Vincent SandersNote Added: 0001234
2016-02-16 14:06Vincent SandersFixed in Version => 3.4
2016-02-16 14:06Vincent SandersDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1807#r1807
2016-02-16 14:06Vincent SandersSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1808#r1808
2016-02-16 14:07Vincent SandersStatusresolved => closed