MantisBT - NetSurf
View Issue Details
0002335NetSurfRISC OS-specificpublic2015-07-24 12:142015-07-27 23:08
ReporterJulia McKillop 
Assigned To 
PlatformRISC PC KineticOSRISC OSOS Version4.39 Kernel 6.80
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Fixed in CI build #
Reported in CI build #
URL of problem page
Summary0002335: Not all content is shown in window
DescriptionWhen opening pages on the Jessops website only part of the content is shown. This has happened at other sites, eg Amazon, though this has since changed (Amazon redesign?) Using 'view source' shows the content is present, just not visible.
Steps To ReproduceOpen Netsurf

Go to
Additional InformationLog file attached
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filestxt nsLog.txt (45,056) 2015-07-24 12:14
jpg jessops.jpg (148,465) 2015-07-27 23:05

Vincent Sanders   
2015-07-25 11:30   
A screenshot would help in us understanding what you mean by "missing content"
Chris Young   
2015-07-27 23:08   
After browsing a few pages on that site, it appears that the product details are missing from all the product pages. I've attached a screenshot of what I'm seeing here, it appears to be a layout (or js?) issue.

Issue History
2015-07-24 12:14Julia McKillopNew Issue
2015-07-24 12:14Julia McKillopFile Added: nsLog.txt
2015-07-25 11:30Vincent SandersNote Added: 0000880
2015-07-25 11:30Vincent SandersStatusnew => acknowledged
2015-07-25 11:30Vincent SandersSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1511#r1511
2015-07-27 23:05Chris YoungFile Added: jessops.jpg
2015-07-27 23:08Chris YoungNote Added: 0000881