MantisBT - NetSurf
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0002266NetSurfRISC OS-specificpublic2015-02-01 06:382018-08-29 14:01
ReporterDick Tanis 
Assigned To 
PlatformOSRISC OSOS Version4.x 5.x
Product Version3.2 
Target Version3.8Fixed in Version3.8 
Fixed in CI build #4302
Reported in CI build #2564
URL of problem pageabout:welcome, about:licence, about:credits
Summary0002266: URLs about:welcome, about:credits and about:licence don't load localized version when the corresponding files are available
DescriptionWhen UI and/or website language in NS is configured into for example German or Dutch and about:welcome, about:credits or about:licence is opened always the English HTML-pages from Resources.en are opened even when the corresponding language dir contains a localized version of the HTML file.
Steps To ReproduceGet NS version 2564. Start it. Configure UI and website language to 'Nederlands'. Restart NS. The English Welcome page is displayed instead of the Dutch one.

Go to main window. Open menu and go to 'Help' and select 'Credits' and 'Licence'. The English versions of those pages are opened instead of the Dutch ones.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespatch langresource.patch (680) 2015-03-04 20:09
patch gui.patch (612) 2015-08-13 07:41
patch gui-2.patch (721) 2017-06-10 15:36

Dick Tanis   
2015-03-04 20:11   
Supplied patch which fixes this problem. It's not perfect but it works.
2015-08-13 07:43   
I think it would be more consistent to use ro_gui_default_language() to construct the about: URIs since that's where the other application resources are retrieved from.

Also, since sprintf() returns the number of characters emitted we can use its return value to increment ptr directly.
2017-06-10 15:36   
This patch (to use sprintf of ro_gui_default_language instead of hardwired 'en') still seems to apply cleanly to the latest sources. Could it be integrated?
John-Mark Bell   
2018-01-21 14:29   
Fixed in 4302. sprintf approach is fine, but I disliked the assumption that ro_gui_default_language() returned a string that was 2 characters long, so the preceding length calculation has been updated to take account of the actual length of the language identifier.
Vincent Sanders   
2018-08-29 14:01   
Thank you for your report, this has been resolved in the 3.8 release

Issue History
2015-02-01 06:38Dick TanisNew Issue
2015-02-04 09:03Vincent SandersStatusnew => confirmed
2015-02-16 14:12Michael DrakeAssigned To => Steve Fryatt
2015-03-04 20:09Dick TanisFile Added: langresource.patch
2015-03-04 20:11Dick TanisNote Added: 0000627
2015-08-13 07:41SprowFile Added: gui.patch
2015-08-13 07:43SprowNote Added: 0000898
2015-10-31 21:58Vincent SandersAssigned ToSteve Fryatt =>
2017-06-10 15:36SprowFile Added: gui-2.patch
2017-06-10 15:36SprowNote Added: 0001570
2018-01-21 14:29John-Mark BellStatusconfirmed => resolved
2018-01-21 14:29John-Mark BellResolutionopen => fixed
2018-01-21 14:29John-Mark BellFixed in Version => 3.8
2018-01-21 14:29John-Mark BellTarget Version => 3.8
2018-01-21 14:29John-Mark BellFixed in CI build # => 4302
2018-01-21 14:29John-Mark BellNote Added: 0001714
2018-08-29 14:01Vincent SandersStatusresolved => closed
2018-08-29 14:01Vincent SandersNote Added: 0001832